DD2 has been teething non-stop for some time now, it seems. Today is especially bad. She's been fussy all day. Since midnight really. I'm tired, grumpy, and just generally pissy. I've been giving Motrin as much as I can, and am doing frozen teething rings, but NOTHING is helping.
She has sealed the deal for me as far as having more kids is concerned.
Re: I'm about to lose myshit over here
Ugh - sorry!!
I feel your pain.?I'm home today with DS - double ear infection. Super fun all the time!
DS is the same way. It's just tooth after tooth and he has been awful. Screaching scream, kicking, biting...
Hyland's seems to work pretty well for him. I just have him chew 2 up and within about 5 minutes he calms down.
And I know this is bad, but he never took a paci. So at around 6 months we just stopped putting them in his crib. Now at 17 months, I needed to try something different for teething. I gave him a paci and he loves chewing on it. He can get it in the back much easier than the teething rings.
Or try a baby spoon. DS loves these too.
wyatt has been teethiing since month 3...or so it seems...it comes and goes, but it seems like there have been few significant breaks.
you need a break. come over, I'll make you a drink, and we'll eat cake.
I've tried everything I can think of! This kid is just out of control!!! Teething tablets don't seem to do anything. Even the Motrin isn't really doing much. I wish she were sick or something-at least then I could do something more for her, and know that it would pass sooner. Nope-just friggin teeth.
And BOF-I'll take you up on that drink. Can you make one that tastes like cake? I have no time for eating....I just drink my meals these days.
oh sum! I'm so sorry! you are describing exactly how S was...IMPOSSIBLE! people would think I was exaggerating until they saw her in action. good news is----at just about 3 it's night and day. she is a great kid and things are so exponentially better!
hang in there and drink up...you're going to need your energy!