
What monitor do you have/like?

Need a new monitor for Hikerbaby 2.0.

Had a cheapo First Year's monitor for DD and it has been fine, but I'd like something with better range (ie: can reach across the street) and more than 2 channels (we live in a neighborhood with lots of monitors and frequently get other people on ours).

Audio is fine, don't really need video.

We haven't had too many problems with interference from all of our electronics, so analog is probably fine, but if there are great digitals out there, let me know.

The reviews for every monitor I've read about are all over the place.

imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography

Re: What monitor do you have/like?

  • I have 2 Sony BabyCall monitors that I love.
  • We have the Angel Care. It has the movement detection thing for newborns which I liked because I was crazy paranoid. We use it now just for sound and it is OK, it gets some feedback if it plugged into the same outlet as another electronic.
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  • This one: (Sony Baby Call Baby Monitor)

    We've had two of them for both girls and they have been great monitors. Especially the voice activation feature and lots of channels to choose from so no interference. I highly recommend!


  • saving this post for later.

    We have the angelcare. I thought I would like it because of the pad for movement, but ended up not using that option at all. Now, we just use it for sound, but it does get feedback and is way way too sensitive (even if turned down to it's lowest setting).

  • Do any of you with the Babycall's have problems with the "out of range" alarm?  That's the biggest complaint I've heard.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I've only had that happen maybe a handful of times over the past 4 years. Easy fix, just have to change channels and there are many to choose from. One thing I will note is that I have to remember not to put my iPhone next to the monitor or it will get interference if someone calls or if data is being uploaded. Other than that, they really are fantastic monitors and we've been very happy with them.
  • We have two Sony BabyCall monitors that I love.
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