2nd time mom after 1st being a preemie, this time doc wants 17p/proterm injections.
I need your help. Is this or was this being covered by your insurance? It seems the only place you can get it is from Wedgewood Pharmacy is that right? If so, how much does it cost? I'm all for it to keep LO in there, but I want more details first but can't seem to find any. My Peri's office will order it but they need a credit card first b/c the Pharmacy doesn't bill to insurance. So frustrating.
Re: Progesterone shot girls, help (repost from 2nd tri)
I had this with my 2nd PG. It was 100% covered by Insurance. I only had to pay my prescription co-pay and would get a months worth at a time. My prescription came from one of the hospital pharmacies that was in my network. I'm not sure what the cost was -- I only paid $20 for my copay.
As a side note....this shot is totally worth it. I delivered my DD at 26w3d and with my 2nd pg I delivered my son at 37 weeks. It was actually a week to the day of my last shot.