Baby Showers

At a 1pm Shower would you expect...

a full lunch? Planning my friends and am wondering if I need to do a full lunch or heavy snacks!

Re: At a 1pm Shower would you expect...

  • Unless the invite says "Lunch provided" I never expect more than snacks.
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  • I am the exact opposite of emsrdh03 - I always assume there will be full food at any shower, unless indicated on the invitation.  Maybe this is just the norm for my area, but I would say you should have a lunch at the shower you are hosting.

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  • imagebethann3181:

    I am the exact opposite of emsrdh03 - I always assume there will be full food at any shower, unless indicated on the invitation.  Maybe this is just the norm for my area, but I would say you should have a lunch at the shower you are hosting.


    I agree, i think part of being a hostess is providing a full lunch for the guests. Especially since many of the guests are brining gifts, .

    1:00 is an awkward time. I think if you're serving lunch move the shower to noon or not serving food put it at 3pm.

  • 1:00 is definitely lunchtime.
  • I never expect a full lunch, pretty much figure that whatever is served is fine. If you'd like to serve food then I would think several apps would be appropriate.
  • I don't usually expect lunch either, but I do agree that 1pm falls in the lunch time range.  I would suggest either serving lunch or moving your start time to 2 or 3.
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  • imagebethann3181:

    I am the exact opposite of emsrdh03 - I always assume there will be full food at any shower, unless indicated on the invitation.  Maybe this is just the norm for my area, but I would say you should have a lunch at the shower you are hosting.

    I agree. I think it's nice to have lunch at this shower time. Maybe if it was a 2:30-3:00 I wouldn't expect a full lunch. But in my opinion 1 is closer to lunch time.

  • I would not expect lunch - but as others have already suggested - maybe moving the start time to 2 would ensure people ate before they came.  I always eat before I go to parties unless I am straight up told there will be a ton of food - totally burned on that front many times in the past! 

    A 1pm start time would suggest to me that it is after lunch and therefore there would be snacks and/or dessert only

  • no matter what the time I always assume there will be a meal
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Teterboro 5K 7/16/11 23:22 Tenafly 5K 6/5/11 26:48 1st in age group and stroller division Teterboro 5K 7/17/10 24:42 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/25/10 28:18 4 1/2 weeks pp Teterboro Airport 5K 7/18/09 22:35 3rd place age group 4 1/2 weeks pregnant Long Branch 1/2 5/3/09 1:51:07 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/26/09 22:22 NJEA 5K 11/7/08 22:30 2nd place age group Westchester 1/2 10/12/08 1:50:16 Teterboro Airport 5K 7/19/08 23:43 Long Branch 1/2 5/4/08 1:54:18 Giant Stadium 5K 4/26/08 error in timing Hackensack 5K 10/14/07 23:55 1st place in age group
  • I'm having my friends shower at 1, too & it will be a feast!
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  • I have never been to a shower at any time of day that had a full meal unless it was at a resturant... mine is at 2 so there was no confusion

  • 1 is lunchtime for many they will be leaving their home before that.  If you had it at 2-4 you could get by with munchies. 
  • Showers need food. 1:00 would be the perfect time for a dessert or ice cream buffet! Guests will probably have already eaten lunch by 1:00 so shower them in sweetness.
  • While I never expect a full meal, 1 p.m. definitely is in the lunch range, so it wouldn't be unusual for a lot of guests to arrive hungry

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  • I wouldn't know what to expect so I'd probably eat a smaller lunch before going.  Earlier than that I'd expect lunch, later than that I wouldn't expect a full meal.

    So I guess my advice would be to move the time if you can or be clear on the invites.

  • imagebethann3181:

    I am the exact opposite of emsrdh03 - I always assume there will be full food at any shower, unless indicated on the invitation.  Maybe this is just the norm for my area, but I would say you should have a lunch at the shower you are hosting.

      I agree.  I  have hosted a shower that began at 1:30 but it was more of a dessert shower and it was indicated on the invite.  I also had real food as well as the desserts and the guests devoured those first!
    Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
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