but I don't wanna! DH started a new job where he's gone from about 7am-6pm every day and now he can't go with me or stay home w/ one of the boys if I have an appt for me or them. Gosh, my little weakling self can barely carry my 30lb toddler and 15lb infant in a carrier! I'm not *as* worried about going to the store and stuff b/c if I absolutely need to, I can leave. Not so with appts. And sometimes the drs keep you waiting FOREVER! It totally wouldn't be a huge deal, but the littlest one wants to be held constantly and doesn't like the carrier... and doesn't like the sling. Ugh. I know I'm a big whine pot, but man, the thought of having to do this scares me.
Re: I need to suck it up...
Do you have family or friends near by that can go with you to doctor appts...or wherever is needed?
Sometimes asking a neighborhood teenager to come over after school can help too. Sucks that winter gets dark early cause my little helper can only help in the summer since I cant really walk her home.