So, ss is all settled in with us. Since he has been with us FT (which has been since the week before Thanksgiving) his personality has changed completely. He seems much happier and more outgoing with everyone. It's obviously exactly what he needed, and he made a great decision.
His mother on the other hand sucks. I never had issues with her, but now that he is there FT it's clear that she is not the greatest. SS did not technically tell her he wanted to live with us until about 2 weeks before Christmas. She called and asked for the child support for the last two weeks of the year. HELLO! He has been here for 7 or 8're lucky you got the last 6! Instead of fighting, we gave her the money and now are done. She complained that he eats snacks at her moms after school (he's there for about 25 minutes before dh gets him) and asked us to give her money every week so she can buy food for their house. He has been going there after school for 3 years, but this is suddenly an issue. Her mother told dh to ignore that one. She has taken ss once...Christmas eve at 5 until Christmas day at 11. Yet constantly sends him messages via FB about how much she misses him. Then pick him up for a's not that difficult.
I told dh that the next time he talks to her I want him to ask when she is going to start giving us CS. I don't want her money, but I do want to see what the reaction is.
Re: Need to vent for a minute...