Two Under 2

Working Moms: Will/did you send LO #1 to daycare during maternity leave?

This probably won't even be an option for us because I'm sure we'll be pinching pennies, but I'm curious what's the norm. 

Re: Working Moms: Will/did you send LO #1 to daycare during maternity leave?

  • we had to pay to keep our spot whether we sent him or not.  I still took DS#1 to daycare almost every day.  I did take him in late (around 10am), and I picked him up about 3:30 after his afternoon snack.  It worked out really well for us. 
  • imagekgb1411:
    we had to pay to keep our spot whether we sent him or not.  I still took DS#1 to daycare almost every day.  I did take him in late (around 10am), and I picked him up about 3:30 after his afternooon snack.  It worked out really well for us. 
    oh, i didn't think about holding DD's spot.  That certainly throws a wrench in our plans...  Although, I think it would be good for DD to stay on her schedule with DC and get to socialize with all the other kids, so it's probably good in the long run. 
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  • imagekgb1411:
    we had to pay to keep our spot whether we sent him or not.  I still took DS#1 to daycare almost every day.  I did take him in late (around 10am), and I picked him up about 3:30 after his afternoon snack.  It worked out really well for us. 

    We had to pay either way too to keep her spot so yes she went. She went on time every day and I got her at regular time. She loved it, keeping routine is very important when you shake up their lives. Plus I got time to bond with Julia.

  • I am a teacher and due May 31st. School gets out June 15th here. I am hoping to send DD to her daycare until school gets out.  Her DCP just watched her and has three kids in school so sumemr vacation is not an option. However, I will not lose a spot if I keep DD home.  I do want to keep her routine as normal as possible and want time to bond with the new baby. My answer is yes (but only for 3 weeks or so) as long as I don't go too late, I am trying for a VBAC.
  • DEFINATELY!!  DD enjoys daycare and I dont want to mess up her routine.  Plus, I dont need to have her around while I am trying to adjust with the new baby.  Like PP said I'll prob take her in later and pick her up earlier but she'll spend most of her day there.
  • imageJARbaby:

    we had to pay to keep our spot whether we sent him or not.  I still took DS#1 to daycare almost every day.  I did take him in late (around 10am), and I picked him up about 3:30 after his afternoon snack.  It worked out really well for us. 

    We had to pay either way too to keep her spot so yes she went. She went on time every day and I got her at regular time. She loved it, keeping routine is very important when you shake up their lives. Plus I got time to bond with Julia.

    This is what we are planning, too, and for the same reasons.

  • YES, and I highly recommend it if it is a possiblity for you to do so.  I have summers off and so DS is typically not in school over the summer (I have onsite childcare so when I am not working he doesn't come.  And DD was born in June).  But I found a program to put him in so that he could stay entertained, in a routine, and not be bored at home with me and a newborn.  He had a great time, and I felt like I could rest and spend quality time with the new baby during the day, and then when DS would come home I wouldn't feel guilty putting DD in her swing or bouncy seat and spending quality time with DS.  I think if I had them both home all day I would have felt guilty about each of them. 

  • Yes, we did this with DS2 and plan to do it again this time.  If you can pull it off financially it is the way to go.  It is so exhausting getting up at all hours for feedings and such, that I can't imagine chasing my toddler all day.  Plus, it is really the only one on one time I got with the new baby.  DS1 would be so demanding when he got home from daycare.
  • imageJARbaby:

    we had to pay to keep our spot whether we sent him or not.  I still took DS#1 to daycare almost every day.  I did take him in late (around 10am), and I picked him up about 3:30 after his afternoon snack.  It worked out really well for us. 

    We had to pay either way too to keep her spot so yes she went. She went on time every day and I got her at regular time. She loved it, keeping routine is very important when you shake up their lives. Plus I got time to bond with Julia.

    This exactly.

  • Yes, I've kept DD in daycare and it has been working out great for us.  Right now DS is very high maintenance (there are days I want HIM to go to daycare!) and we still haven't figured out his reflux issues, so I feel as my DD's mom, I am doing what's best for her.  I do pick her up early everyday and there are days she stays home with us.  I will only do that when we've had a good night's sleep with DS. 
  • We did.  We'd have to pay to keep her spot anyway and it gave DD a nice sense of normalcy and continuity while I was struggling through those first early weeks.  Plus if she was home, it's not like our interaction would've strengthened our bond.  I had a needy newborn to attend to and was exhausted.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • Anyone one keep their nanny at home while on maternity leave witht he second?

    My daughter was premature and therefore I couldn't send her to daycare. Our nanny is still with us although looking for a new job in her official educated field....although not having much luck. She's made comments about possibly being around still when the second baby comes this summer and I'm not sure what to do.

    Like the original poster, it'd be nice to save the cash, but from every other response it sounds like being home alone with the new baby has it's perks as well. Not sure if that still makes sense with a nanny in your house during the aren't exactly home alone :)

  • I seem to be in the minority but we will be pulling DD out.  I totally see the point of keeping them in...routine and bonding time with new baby and all... but financially it just doesn't make sennse for us to pay all of that money.  We just have to pay the enrollment fee again and they will then hold her spot for 3 months which is the length of my leave too.  It will be hard at home I am sure but tons of people do it...  I really think my daughter will adjust fine too...I am sure she will miss her friends though. 
    Daughter born July 2008; Daughter born March 2010 Son born August 2011
  • Absolutely! I have to pay for it regardless, and he loves it there. I can't imagine having to keep him entertained and take care of a newborn. I would tear my hair out! Plus we wanted to keep his routine the same.
  • We use an in-home provider, and we are still sending DS. We felt it would be good to keep him in his routine, as well as to give me a little break to spend some one-on-one time with DD, plus we love DS's provider and did not want to lose her- she could not have gone the length of my maternity leave without having to find another child. We did cut back on the number of days to 2 a week b/c we could not afford any more than that with me not working.
  • We also have to pay to hold her spot. However, we will be dropping her down from her current 4 days per week to only 3 days.
  • I plan to. I don't have to pay anyway or hold her spot, but I think my life will be a lot better if I can just focus on the baby during the day. I will probably just send her part time, but I'll play it by ear.
  • I just got back to work from mat. leave. My daughter turned 1 the day after my son was born.

    my advice to you: if you can afford to send baby #1 to daycare....DO IT!!! Especially the first 2 or 3 weeks after the baby is born.

    I kept my daughter home and I was so beyond tired. There were a bunch of days i hauled both babies off to my parents, and let Nana and Poppa play with my 1year old while my little monkey and I got some much need shut eye!

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