
I just re-signed up for WW this morning.

I cancelled it after DH didn't have a job for a few months and did okay following it on my own.

But, it was the holiday season and I ate more and drank more than I normally would have.

Now, though, I realize that I need to be on WW - like "pay for it" on WW for me to really do it.

I've only gained 4 pounds, but I'm still not able to exercise like normal and I know that 4 pounds would turn into 5, then 10 then 15 and that would make me incredibly mad.

I will forever pay WW $17.95/month.  Bastards.


Me with my littlest.

Re: I just re-signed up for WW this morning.

  • Good luck! Get your Gold Card and you're free for life as long as you stay within 5lbs of your goal weight or are within 6 months of giving birth!! I got the GC after DS#1 was born and went after #2 and #3 and the results are great! I start back tomorrow night and dread to think what the scales will say. I hope I'm down, I tried really hard this week!!! I'm so glad its free or else I wouln't be able to afford it.

    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

  • Alibabs, I don't think the online thing works that way.

    Winery, if I ever lose the last 45 lbs, I will be paying them, too.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • Hey! I was going to start WW, but did not have luck before, so went all out on Sunday and started medifast, which is what John has been doing since August. He has lost about 45 lbs since James was born, even with quite a bit of cheating. 3 days in, it is actually not that bad at all (basically a mix of 5 bars/shakes/soups, ect and one meal).  I physically feel much better than I did last week.  It is not a way to eat for life though, so once I lose what I want it will be work to redesign my habits.

    Hope all is well- I am traveling out of town today, but really want to try to get together soon!!

  • I'm going to re-join tomorrow night.  I have gained 10 lbs since dropping out about 8 months ago. 
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