
BFing in public?

I remember how easy it was to cover up and BF my daughters out in a public place. What about w/ twins? How/can you BF in public cause you're sure to leave the house someday?
Caroline Faith 1.10.06, Audrey Alexis 11.1.07, Noah James & Ethan Alexander 6.17.10

Re: BFing in public?

  • I've done it a few times, but only when it was absolutely necessary :)  I usually planned my outings pretty carefully when the babies were small, and would feed them seperately in public, before they got really hungry, so the second one wasn't wailing the entire time I was feeding her sister.  Also, my babies have had bottles of formula here and there since they were born, maybe once a week or so.  So, I always had a bottle in my diaper bag for just this kind of situation.  I could always nurse one and use my free arm to bottle feed the other in her car seat.  This was usually at the park while my older two daughters played.  You will need to get out of the house for everyone's sake, and you'll find a system that works for you.  I was skeptical when I was pregnant, too, but I've been almost exclusively EBFing (with the occasional bottle of formula) and I manage to get out opf the house at least twice a week. 
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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

  • i usually feed one at a time at this point...but ive actually never feed them both in public.  for whatever reason feeding them at the same time hasn't been my this point they usually scratch each other and slap eachother during feedings so it's just easier to separate them if i have the time...
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  • I NIP DS1 often.  I haven't NIP the twins and don't plan to.  I usually take pumped milk or formula for the twins.  Yesterday was the closest to NIP I did, at our mall they have a nursing area with curtains for privacy. 
  • I feed them separately. If I know that we are going to be out then I try to purposefully put them off-schedule by about 20-30 minutes. In theory, that should give me time to feed one and then the other without someone screaming. Occasionally they do get hungry at the same time. It's a little embarrassing, but I hope people will be understanding of my situation. Most people look at me and tell me I have my hands full, so I suspect people can at least imagine a tiny bit of how difficult it is to juggle all three of my kids when I'm out by myself, even though they can't fully understand. We get out by ourselves several times a week - it really is necessary for my sanity.

    Also, at first I took bottles of milk when we were going to be out. I probably did that for the first two months. They initially took about 45 minutes apiece to eat, so it was just too time consuming to bf them. Eventually they sped up and the bottles/pumping in the car got to be a pain.

    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
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