
*** Heather1979 ***

I'm not on here alot so didn't read your post and the responses until now and wanted to make sure you get this.

I think putting your LO on a bedtime routine is a great idea. Esp a bedtime routine. Like bath, story, bed or however you want to work it. For naps we also do story time so he gets the cue it's also sleepy time!

However, I don't think you should worry about a schedule just yet. I saw someone metioned Babywise and I strongly urge you to read the reviews on that book before you consider putting your child on a strict schedule. There have been babies hospitalized from dehyration and malnutrition following those prinicples. Also, it was written by a minister, not a doctor, not anyone in the child care profession, who runs a profit org which should say enough about why he wrote the book. They are certainly trying to publish the 3rd edition after all the trouble they had with the 1st ...

Also, CIO tech are meant for LOs 6 mo and up. Your LO is way too young for any of that and just beginning to establish a trusting relationship with you. Fussing is one thing but doing CIO at 2 mos ... Not a good idea.

I understand that it would be nice to have a scheduled baby but in all reality, too young. Your LO will naturally fall into routines a few times, yes they will change with the 4 mo wakefulness and milestones, but at about 6 mos you can start shaping one. For now, feed when hungry, play when awake and let LO sleep when tired.

You can take this for what it is but please at least take it into consideration

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Re: *** Heather1979 ***

  • Oh I know I'm not getting on a strict schedule, but she is adapting well to a bedtime. During the day I pretty much let her rule, but I am taking notes to see if she has a pattern. (Believe it or not, she sorta does have a pattern right now!)

    The only thing I don't do, is if she sleeps for more than 3 hours during the day I will wake her up, because if she does go for longer, then we have issues at night with her.

    Yeah, for bedtime I pretty much wait one minute when she cries (after a change, a feeding, etc so I know its just bedtime cranks) soothe her belly and stroke her head, and then I leave, wait a minute, do the same, wait two minutes, etc. I've never had to go past 4 minutes with her. I've been pretty lucky and I totally expect to have her change things up in a few weeks or whenever just to keep me on my toes Smile

    But thanks!

  • Yes you have been lucky! Oh good for you! I'm jealous! I had to wake T up during the day too ... Don't need them getting day from night confused! lol!

    T definitely rules here. We have always let him lead the way and I dunno what happened but at 6 mos he just settled into this schedule and he's almost like clock work! Minus the teething crap hole we are in now but it too shall pass.

    Well, I'm glad to hear Momma! Good luck getting her on a bedtime! Sounds like you guys are doing wonderful! =)

    Sorry I kinda went on a rant but that strict scheduling stuff really irks me. My friend's sister did it not knowing any better and she really regrets it now ... It was a mess to say the least =(   Live and learn I guess!



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