Alabama Babies

AW: HSG all clear

I went in for my HSG today and everything looked as it should. The dye flowed right through my tubes. The procedure was no where near as bad as I was expecting. I barely cramped at all.

Just wanted to share.


DD born 8/24/07
TTC #2 since 4/09
Unexplained Secondary IF
4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
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TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
BabyFruit Ticker
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: AW: HSG all clear

  • that's great L!!!!
  • Congrats Lindsey!  That is excellent news!
  • Loading the player...
  • Great!

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    mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
    natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
    DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

  • Great news! 
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    m/c 05/2009
    DD born 8/9/10
    TTC #2 since 8/2012
    CP 12/2012
    dx MFI 10/2013
    Surprise BFP 11/6/2013  EDD 7/19/2014
    Beta #1 15 dpo HCG 355 Prog 30.9
    Beta #2 22 dpo HCG 8147 Prog 18.8
    Beta #3 29 dpo HCG 44580 Prog 29.8

  • That is awesome news Lindsay!!!
  • Great news!  I'm glad you had such an easy time!
  • Just so you know...I got pregnant right after my HSG!!! They say it can help. Just sayin'!  Good luck ;-)
  • yay! Thats great!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageFutureMrsWagner:
    Just so you know...I got pregnant right after my HSG!!! They say it can help. Just sayin'!  Good luck ;-)

    I have heard this from a few people now. Fingers crossed! Did Jim ever have to do a SA?

    DD born 8/24/07
    TTC #2 since 4/09
    Unexplained Secondary IF
    4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
    2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
    Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
    1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
    Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Thanks everyone!
    DD born 8/24/07
    TTC #2 since 4/09
    Unexplained Secondary IF
    4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
    2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
    Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
    1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
    Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • So glad everything went well and looks good = )
  • imagesoon2Bmrs.AGEE:

    Just so you know...I got pregnant right after my HSG!!! They say it can help. Just sayin'!  Good luck ;-)

    I have heard this from a few people now. Fingers crossed! Did Jim ever have to do a SA?

    That was actually the first thing we did before my HSG.  Funny story about that too...he actually got stopped by a cop for speeding on the way to deliver it to the Dr.  He was like, "Man, my boys can only wait so long" (as he held up the cup to show him).  LMAO!  The cop let him go with a warning! 


  • imageFutureMrsWagner:

    Just so you know...I got pregnant right after my HSG!!! They say it can help. Just sayin'!  Good luck ;-)

    I have heard this from a few people now. Fingers crossed! Did Jim ever have to do a SA?

    That was actually the first thing we did before my HSG.  Funny story about that too...he actually got stopped by a cop for speeding on the way to deliver it to the Dr.  He was like, "Man, my boys can only wait so long" (as he held up the cup to show him).  LMAO!  The cop let him go with a warning! 


    OMG! That's so funny!! So they let him do it at home rather than in the office??? Hmmm....I may need his Drs name. Lol.

    DD born 8/24/07
    TTC #2 since 4/09
    Unexplained Secondary IF
    4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
    2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
    Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
    1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
    Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Great news! Good luck!
  • Yayy!  That's great!
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