Alabama Babies

My uncle died.

I knew it was coming but it's still sad. I talked to him a couple weeks ago. He has had lymphoma for years and was put in hospice recently.

The sad thing is, he hasn't talked to my dad (his brother) in years, or his own mother. I haven't seen him since 2001.

My sister and I reached out to him last month and tried to convince him to talk to our dad before it was too late. He said he was thinking about it, but he didn't know whether he wanted to reach out to my dad or not. (My dad had called a couple times but was told he couldn't talk to him.)

It makes me so sad for my dad.  My 18-year-old cousin called me today to tell me of my uncle (her grandfather's death.) She was just told today.... and he died last week. Nobody even bothered to call her until after the funeral.

 The whole thing reminds me how any family can be dysfunctional, even your own.

Sorry for the random rant. If yall could put out a prayer for my dad and grandmother, I'd appreciate it.

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Re: My uncle died.

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