I've posted this on other boards - just trying to get multiple suggestions from those that may have been there. Thanks in advance
I don't know what happened to my sweet little girl. She is turning into a mean little brat (for lack of a better word) and I don't know what to do!
Everything is "NO" and she fights tooth and nail screaming, kicking and slapping with diaper changes and getting clothes on. She will not share with other kids and rips toys out of their hands. In the past week when she doesn't get her way she has started hitting and pushing. And this past Sunday at dinner her cousin ran up to her while she was eating and she stabbed him with her little plastic fork I'm so upset and angry that this is happening.
It's really been out of the blue. She's always been the good one of her cousins and the one everyone is always saying is so well behaved I want my little girl back
She is watched by our parents (we are so lucky there) with her other cousins. so she is around kids as well. I have put her in classes to keep her well socialized and she is on a schedule and sleeping great.
The only thing I can think to do is put her in time out which works with me but not at all with DH. She laughs at him and keeps hitting him. So now I've decided to setup a pack n play and when she hits I'm going to put her in there in another room and leave here there for a minute alone - just ignore her. Keep praising the good things she does and work on getting her back to normal. I just don't know if anyone has any other suggestions besides this.
i'm open for any suggestions you ladies might have!
Re: Suggestions Please
How is she doing with speech? I know that communication frustration can cause acting out/aggression/tantrums, etc.
I don't have any brilliant advice, but thought that you deserved a response to your post! DD has gone through aggressive phases, but they have passed quickly. Often due to a battle over control/independence coupled with frustration at not having the skills to do everything herself. We've dealt with all of them about the same, correct aggressive/violent behavior and redirect towards a more productive, different activity. For a while there DD was hitting and chasing the dog a lot and I thought "I'm JUST not getting through to her!" and then one day she did it and she said "I bad, I sit on step (time out) and then said sorry to the dog and petted her, and hasn't repeated the bad behavior. So, I guess be consistent and patient, (and make sure that DH is consistent too!!!) and try not to lose your mind in the meantime!! You're sweet baby girl will be back any minute!