Well I have not had any contractions since last Tues which I am thrilled about, but I have noticed my blood pressure has been slightly elevated the past two days (130's/ 80's and a couple at 140's/ 90's). Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled we have made it this far but I would really like to go at least one more week. I am afraid that when I go to my Peri appointment tomorrow they will say we are done.
Has anyone else had a rise in BP that caused them to deliver early? Was it just a slight rise or was it really high?
It just seems like once on thing resolves another creeps up. I know that is the territory with a triplet pregnancy, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Re: Just another thing...
yay for no contractions!
hoping your BP doesn't get any higher and that you can keep them in a little longer.
hang in there!
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The different types of twins and triplets
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