I'm late...just like I hope AF will be for all of us!
How was everyone's holidays? I tried to make a clicky poll, but failed miserably. So you'll just have to write it out, old school.
I was off for so long that I've forgotten how to work, and now, I don't wanna!
But it was wonderful.
TTC wise, I'm Oing nowish. Although my cycles continue to be weird after the m/c, so who knows when it will actually happen...
How goes it will all of you?
Re: Happy 2010!
OMG! When I first read this, I thought "I'm late" meant AF was late. I actually did a little happy clap for you! Crossing my fingers that I'm psychic.
Glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday. It was great to have so much time off, but I'm actually ready to get back into a routine. I'm waiting for AF to show and think she will. But like you, cycles are krazy after the m/c.
Cheers to a "productive" 2010!
Happy New Year!!! It's good to have you back!
Ah, there you are! I was just wondering when you'd be back around.
GL GL this cycle! I'm not too bad, gearing up for IUI later this month.
Happy New Year Joy! Good to hear from you
I am in the midst of an IVF cycle. I see the Doctor later on today for a follie check. Tentitive ER is Thursday! yikes
GL to you and everyone!
I thought I'm late meant AF too. I got all excited for you at first.
We've missed you around these parts. Glad you are back.
I enjoyed a nice long break, but now must start working and try to sell some real estate again. On the TTC front, I take my last bcp today and then stims start Sat. Eeek!
Hopefully, this will be the year that all of us can "graduate" from this board!
Like you, my cycles have been a little strange since the m/c, but this is the first cycle that I'm actually tracking again, so we'll see how off I really am. If this cycle doesn't work, we're back to natural IVF for the next. Just typing that makes me tense up! For right now, I'm trying to focus on excercising and eating better. I'm not doing accupuncture this cycle, but did start again on the wheatgrass. I figured that I'd take that throughout this entire cycle and see if that helps with egg quality (I usually quit taking it when I "O").
IUI #1: December 2008 - BFN
IVF #1: Microdose Lupron - July 2009; only got 1 egg; BFN
IVF #2: Natural IVF - Sept 2009; BFP!; D&C Nov. 2009
IVF #3: Natural IVF - ER: Feb 4, 2010 - 1 "M2" egg retrieved; ET: Feb 9; Beta#1 (19dpo): 2567; Beta #2: 6933; BFP w/ singleton w/strong hrtbt! DS born October 2010
IVF #4: Natural IVF - ER: Nov. 20, 2011; ET: Nov. 25, 2011; BFP! Beta#1 (19dpo): 1918; Saw hrtbt on 12/28/11!
Happy New Year, Joyful (and everyone else!)
Getting killed at work, and wishing I was a snug bug at home in my sweats by the fireplace.
IUI # 3 this week for me. That's about all I have to report.
Good luck, everyone. Let's see some 2010 babies!!
JOY!!! I missed you. I, too, thought the "I'm late" was an announcement. Maybe we are all psychic..
As for me, AF is hear after IUI #3..
. DH had a talk. We are not ready to give up. Although we are on a break as he will be in England with the Airforce for several weeks during the next cycle (timing that would be too stressful). We will dip into savings for the next cycle since he out of work after Jan22. However, our decision is IUI#4 or IVF??? anyone have any thoughts..
Hi Joyful and Happy New Year! It is good to see you back around here.
Just waiting for AF to arrive so we can start our first (and hopefully only) Clomid cycle.
Here is to a great 2010 for all of us!
You are all so wonderful. It's good to "talk" with you again.
Thanks for thinking I'm late referred to AF.
Alas, even if I am late this cycle, I won't believe it means anything. I was freaking FIVE days late last cycle. I POAS. In the supermarket bathroom! And I never pee on sticks. But the stick said negative. As did the next one three days later...and then AF. Grrr.
Hugs to all of you who are dealing with a recent disappointment. Baze - I shall think about your question. For me, it would depend on how much more you think you can put up with emotionally, and insurance coverage, finances, etc.
Actually, hugs to everyone. We all need them!!
Happy 2010 to you to Joyful!! I also thought this was an announcement at first.
My holidays were nice, we kept it simple this year. Now I'm getting ready for surgery this Friday for my polyps then rewarding myself with a spa weekend.
Baze, has your doctor given your chances of success with IUI vs IVF. I also agree with Joyful, it really comes down to finances and emotions. For me, there wasn't that much of an emotional difference going through IUI and IVF. Good luck!