
What would be the best way to find a new dr. to have meds changed?

i don't really have a regular doctor, just my ob/gyn. the dr. i was seeing who prescribed my antidepressants was at the mental health center b/c i was working when i started therapy again and he was assigned as the dr. i reaaly prefer not to go back there and know i can check the doctor's covered under my health insurance. i just hate to pick one blindly and don't really know how to get recommendations. i can't really go around saying, " any suggestions on docs who can get my crazy under control?"

Re: What would be the best way to find a new dr. to have meds changed?

  • I looked for docs through my insurance company and then googled the ones I was interested in (based on age, sex, hospital affiliation).  There are a few doctor rating websites out there, so I was able to narrow it down to 2 docs based on reviews by others.  I called both and went to the one who could get me in first.

    ETA:  I just realized your post is asking for the "best way"  This isn't the best way, just my way. 

  • that should have said "wasn't working." frisky, i didn't think about that. it's a good idea and much better than my method --- crawling under the covers and ignoring everything. pmq, you like that? ;-) lol.

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  • no problem. glad your is under control. mine was but i really think it's lev eled out or something. i really can't hold my sh*t together anymore.

  • If you are comfortable with your OB/GYN I would ask her for a recommendation.  She probably has to refer PPD patients from time to time.
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