

Just checking in to see how little Emma is doing.  She and Keira are pretty close in age and size, if I remember correctly.  Keira finally hit 20 pounds!!  There has been a little improvement in her eating, but my girl still has such a tiny appetite.
Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08

Re: **Ijack**

  • Yay K!!! That is great news!! 

    I'm pretty sure she's hit 20, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. We haven't been to the doc in about a month (knock on wood) and she was really close last time. Her newest eating trend is that she's stopped chewing. She stuffs food in her mouth and chews twice. If the food doesn't dissolve while it's stuffed in there then she spits it back out. It's awesome :(  

    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • Jumping in here late ladies, so I hope you see this. 

    I've just started reading three books and thought I'd pass the names on to you in case you are interested.  They are "Just Take a Bite", "Food Chaining", and "Pre-Feeding Skills".  Each book is all about feeding the resistant eater and while you're LO's may not be resistant to eating per se, the books have some suggestions that might help you set up the feeding routine for a little less struggle.  The kids may be eating but maybe there's too much distraction or they are not getting the proper seated support, or what have you and this makes the sensory and behavioral issues interfere with the eating process.  I have finished the "Just Take a Bite" but it is for slightly older kids, say over age 3 or 4, but it does have a few good suggestions to set the stage and how to expand on them.  

    I've only just started "Food Chaining" and haven't tried "Pre-Feeding Skills" yet but I'll let you know if they have good info.  So far what I've seen is pretty useful.

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  • Awesome!  I will take any help I can get!  I'm going to go look those book titles up on Amazon.  Thanks!
    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • Laura, thanks for the recs! 

    mcdev... I also meant to say congrats to you too since I know you're the one doing all the work :)  

    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • HaHa!  I guess I should have offered you the same, Ijack!  

    Glad to hear E also hit the 20 pound mark.  We have a well baby visit on Tuesday.  I'm curious to see how tall she is.  She seems so much longer to me, that's for sure.  

    Love Emma's new "trick".  It must be driving you CRAZY!!  Keira suddenly wants baby food purees again.  It is the only way she'll eat a veggie or fruit so if it's baby food she's baby food she gets!!  Sure beats her stubborn hunger strikes! 

    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
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