
I'm gonna be an Auntie!

yay!!  my SIL is due in August!
Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11

Re: I'm gonna be an Auntie!

  • So whatcha gonna knit for her?

    My SIL is due in June, and I am thinking about the entrelac baby blanket in my faves on Ravelry.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I saw that one in your faves and bookmarked that site...I love the idea of the quilting on the back!  I actually think I might try and do some burp clothes that way. 

    I like the tiramisu blanket, too.

    And of course she'll get some soakers and longies since she's a fellow cloth diaperer.  

    I'm glad I asked the question yesterday-I have a couple friends having babies in the spring...but my new little niece or nephew is gonna get bombarded with knit love!  LOL

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
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  • Congrats!

    Me too! My sister is due at the end of April ,and I can't friggin wait!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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