I've seen recommendations on other boards for the book Baby Bargains- did Moms of twins find this useful for their registries?
Is there any online registry checklists or books that give suggestions for twins? Any items that you twin Moms highly recommend?
Re: Registry Items for Twins
One thing i learned is that there is a twins discount for any purchase over 100. But you have to ask about it.
What I have, and use, double of.......
Car seat of course
swings (already had one and added a 2nd)
crib mobile (like for a smal while....could skip)
crib light up soothers (LOVE)
boppys. (I bf so it was helpful in the begining for feeding then for belly time when older)
sling/bjorn (i carried them together in the sling at first and now DH wears bjorn while i wear sling)
mirrors for car
have one of and thats plenty:
ok....thats all I have off the top of my head.
This is exactly what I was hoping to see- thanks.
That depends on the store. At my BRU, it's any item over $60. I believe Baby Depot has a multiples discount too; Target and Walmart don't. Definitely worth asking about in the store! I was able to get our $99.99 Graco Snugrides for $63 and $68 at BRU by stacking the multiples discount with the 10% off registry completion coupon, a 15% off coupon and a 20% off coupon.
Hi, a mom of twins recommended this to me so I put it on my registry and got one for each of them, they have been lifesavers for the past month, the music and glowing totally soothes them when they are upset or waiting for a bottle to be warmed up.