

Those of you who EP, how often are you pumping once your LOs start to STTN??

My girls go for longer stretches of sleep (5 hrs.)than the 3 they usually do, but I am still getting up regardless to pump everey 3-4 hours. 

Did you just start pumping less/in longer stretches? Stay the same (like every 3 hours)? 

If I do go for longer stretches, will engorgement be an ordeal? 


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  • I EP'd for 2mo with DS1 and for 1 month with the twins --- and never once pumped overnight... I'd have to pump right away in the am- but it was never a problem for me. My body got used to it pretty quickly.

    you could try to wean back at night by pumping for less time for a few nights- then not pumping at all- your body should get used to it.

  • Early on I pumped every 3-4 hours but after they started sttn I went to 4 pumps a day. I usually pump at 6 am, noon, 6 pm, and midnight. If the girls sleep to 7 or 8 am, I just sleep until they wake me and pump then, but I still pump at noon. I can go 8-9 hours without serious pain but after 9, it becomes an issue. It may also matter how much milk you are getting.
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