Just wondering if this is a viable option. My mom will be flying in from FL to take care of DD while I am in hospital but I am worried about DD having a hard time since she does not know my mom that well and vice versa Grandma does not know every like/dislike routine etc. DD has never had a babysitter except for Grandma when we had to sign house papers for like 1 hour. I am just worried about her.
Any of you ladies elect to come home 24 hours after delivery? How did it go?
Re: How many elected to be discharged early with #2
I'm the opposite.
I stayed as long as possible.
I knew my toddler was in good hands and he came to visit me daily. My Mom flew in a few days before my scheduled section and was staying with us so she knew his routine and he was comfortable with her there.
I also knew that I had a ton of much appreciated help in the nurses at the hospital.
Once I got home I was juggling 2 kids from there on out. I choose to take an extra day to focus more attention on getting to know my newborn and do some bonding as I knew my attention would be split the second I walked in the door at home.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
I left in 24 hrs too. I felt so much better than the 1st delivery. I started asking to leave at 24 hrs right after I gave birth. I was sure to let everyone and all the nurses know my wishes to leave early. DD was not allowed at the hospital due to the H1N1 restrictions. It was hard on her, she woke up at 3 am screaming for me and then seached the house for me. Heartbreaking, thank goodness I made DH go home and spent the night there to be with her. When I got home it was easy as cake. I felt great and was able to do anything. I got more rest at home than in the hospital, the beds are horrible and everyone coming to do temps and blood pressure. Home was so much better!
If you are comfortable with it, have DH go home and spend the night with DC. That helped our DD, she still had her bedtime and morning routine in place. He even went home for naptime. It worked really well for us.
ETA: I would send DH home to be with the toddler at night. In order for Grandma to still feel involved, have her come spend the night with you at the hospital. She'll love it.
That's what we did, my mom spent the night at the hospital.
That is a BIG FAT NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was allowed to leave early ALL 3 times (I had 3 c-sections) and chose to stay because I knew that I would be doing all sorts of things that I shouldn't. DH stayed home with the other child(ren). It worked out fine.
GL to you!
Thanks ladies! I want that special time to get to know DC#2 but DD is so used to being with me every day I just worry it will really upset her if I disappear for 2-4 days. As long as I have an easy vaginal delivery and feel good I think I will try to get home earlier.
I am planning on sending DH home at night so she has a normal night/morning routine. I thought about having my mom come to stay with me in the hospital at night but to be honest she snores like some kind of wild bear and me or new baby wouldn't be getting much sleep lol!
As far as I know my hospital allows children to still visit so I am hoping it will be the same in June when we go in!
I had my second in the wee hours of Monday morning. When the docs came in around 8:30am for rounds, I chatted them up and was ready to leave. My doctor said, "um, you'll be spending the night". I was so ready to go home only 5 hours after having LO #2.
So, I gave birth Monday and happily came home Tuesday. DS#1 really only missed me Monday night and Tuesday morning before daycare.
It was totally fine and I was very happy to be home.
Much, much easier the second time around.
You'd probably be surprised how 'well' your DD would do while you were away.
I had a C/S and was discharged within 24 hours because my son was being moved to another state to go to a NICU! My kids were with my SIL (at our home) for a whole week while DH and I went back and forth to the other hospital.
Once you're home, you won't get to eat, rest, shower, clean, etc. like you used to with one kid. I would highly reccommend you rest for as long as you can in the hospital.
I joked with DH before we left to have DS, that I might pay them to keep me longer because I was looking forward to sleeping and having my meals brought to me! Things didn't go as planned. lol.
This exactly! Our only problem was that we came home (unknowingly) to a DS with Croup... but it all worked out. GL!