
team green?

Hey all,

My first post here - I'm 8 weeks expecting with twins. ? I always thought I would wait until delivery to find out the gender, but now with twins, I'm rethinking that. ?I'm planning to do a gender-neutral nursery no matter what. ?Is there any reason why I should find out sooner than delivery? ?Is it harder to not find out during the ultrasounds with twins?


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Re: team green?

  • If you had been planning to wait, I say wait.  Most of my stuff was gender neutral anyway (with the exception of some clothes) plus you aren't going to want to buy a ton of clothes before they are born anyway because you never know what size they will be.

    We chose to find out because both my husband and I are big planners, and I already had a son.

    I say wait.  I know a bunch of other twin and even triplet moms that waited!

  • i don't think you can compare it being harder to wait with singletons or twins- it's always hard to wait- but if it's something you want to do - do it! :)

    We had no plan to wait for any of my pg's... we are planners- and feel that it's a surprise to find out whatever day you find out --- i didn't want any surprises the day they were born  :)

    I liked being able to register/buy gender specific things - esp for boys- i do not like gender neutral stuff... it all ends up looking girly to me  - i'm just really picky like that.

    I can say that if you really are hoping for one sex vs. the other - that I think it's smarter to find out early- so you get time to get used to it... and not have even any small amount of disappointment the day they are born.... cuz I do have friends who waited and were disappointed at birth (which i find to be kind of gross- but it happens)

    you could always have the tech put it in an envelope and open it on a special day together or with family... or just wait ;)

    I felt that knowing the sex helped me bond with them while in utero more than I did before I knew the sex - but that could just be b/c the longer they were in there the more i bonded, too.

    congrats and welcome!

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  • We aren't finding out.  I found out with my son, and always said that the next baby would be a surprise.  When it turned out to be 2, I wavered a little, because I wanted to plan, but I decided that they can live in G/N clothes for a few weeks until I can order stuff online. :)


    I didn't want to do a girly or boyish nursery anyways, so there is really no need for us to find out.  I may have the tech right it down and i'll give it to my sister so she can order gender specific coming home outfits, but I'm not sure.  I'm really okay with yellow and green though too.


    I will say, I'm a big planner, and this is really hard!  I just have to do all the planning I can now, and buy the clothes later. 

  • congrats and welcome to the MoM board!!

    I personally admire those who don't fin d out til delivery!! we opted to find out the genders...we were just too darn excited to wait! we actually had a mini surprise since we at first were told B/G twins then several wks later we were told it was G/G!! I was happy to be able to pick names, get the nursery geared up with lots of polka dots and cupcake-themed things, etc.

    FWIW, my sister just had a singleton 2 wks before my twins and she opted to be on team green. She did a green nursery and then accented with the gender color (in her case, she was on Team Blue). All her baby clothes (NB and size 0-3) were neutrals--creams, tans, greens, whites. She easily made it more boyish once he arrived. She said it was such a special moment for her and her DH when the doctor announced the much anticipated revelation of the gender.

    One lady on this board recently delivered and had the dr. announce her gender (she had identical twin girls). Quite amazing, IMO!

    GL and again, Welcome!!

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  • I felt that knowing the sex helped me bond with them while in utero more than I did before I knew the sex - but that could just be b/c the longer they were in there the more i bonded, too.

    This 100%.  I love being able to call them by name- since finding out what they are I feel so much closer to them.

    I am also a planner so it's nice to get a lot of things in order.

    We felt that it's a surprise no matter when you find out and twins were surprise enough for us!

    It's also been great b/c a lot of boy moms have been passing along their clothes and what not!

  • whoops my quote didn't all show up- but I agree with Goldie...
  • We didn't find out with DD, and it was an amazing experience.

    With the twins, we are going to find out.  We were originally going to wait, but as I told my DH - I've been surprised enough this time around.  Plus, with him deploying, it will ease my mind to know.

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  • Thanks for the input! ?I hadn't thought of the painful birth / c/s ?perspective, which would definitely affect the big reveal. ?My husband has always been rooting to find out as soon as possible, so it looks like we will continue to debate both sides :)
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  • congrats!!! ummm... i am a planner, too. couldn't wait a second! though, if it is special to you to wait then do it. you can do it, but most just choose not to for personal reasons like decorating and clothing. i think it is a big enough surprise when you find out at the ultrasound. it was torture enough to wait until then. i did enjoy calling them by name and planning out their nursery. i didn't "girl it up," but it is a girls nursery as opposed to a boys. i made some stuff for it, too. so, i couldn't handle it, but that doesn't mean it isn't for you.
  • imagetrish3905:
    Thanks for the input!  I hadn't thought of the painful birth / c/s  perspective, which would definitely affect the big reveal.  My husband has always been rooting to find out as soon as possible, so it looks like we will continue to debate both sides :)

    We are Team Green. We decided before I was pg that we wanted to be surprised. I waivered when we learned it was twins, but it is really important to my DH not to know. He's a resident and has been in the delivery room when the parents knew the sex v. when they didn't know and said there is a different level of excitement for everyone when the parents don't know.

    I have to have a c-section and am pretty freaked out about it. B/c of other medical reasons, there's a risk they'll have to perform an emergency hysterectomy. Not knowing the genders gives me something fun to look forward to rather than just being anxious. 

    I had u/s every 2 weeks and now weekly. The techs are great about not letting us accidentally sneak a peek at babies' parts. Despite the number of u/s I've had and my DH's medical background, we still have no idea what we're having and I'm super excited!

  • we waited, and i always reminded the tech, and they always told me when not to look. :) it was a fun surprise!
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  • oh, and yeah, i was VERY out of it during my c/s. i think mostly because i was exhausted. :P anyway, when they said "it's a boy!" when pulling out the first (which meant all three were boys) i hardly felt anything. but now when i watch the video, i get all teary. :D
    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • We found out with both our DD's but had decided to be surprised with our third and last to add something unique about this pregnancy. BUT then we found out we're expecting twins which was a huge amazing surprise we got to share at Christmas when we found out with all our family. It was so fun. Now that there's already something unique about this pregnancy we changed our minds recently and decided we'll find out! We really have a hard time waiting for surprises though either way it's wonderful. We will keep the names a secret though and didn't before with DD's. GL with your decision & congrats!!! It's so amazing:)
    Caroline Faith 1.10.06, Audrey Alexis 11.1.07, Noah James & Ethan Alexander 6.17.10
  • I am a planner so wanted to find out.  DH wanted to know since he felt it would help him bond more with them if he could call them son or daughter or in our case, both :)  Congrats and welcome :):)
    H: 34 dx Azoospermia due to CBAVD from CF  
    ME: 39 IS FINE!!!  DOR and poor AMH/FSH/LH
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #1 Beta 1 373 Beta 2 1783 BOY/GIRL TWINS!! Born April 2010!!
    Natural FET 5/26/12 2 blasts Beta 1 207 Beta 2 513 Beta 3 1377 U/S 6/28 Pregnancy not viable d & c scheduled :( 
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #2 ER 11/15/12 Nothing to transfer :( 
    IVF/ICSI #3 April 2013 MDLF 3dt of 3 embryos, chemical :(  
    IVF #4/ICSI/MESA/CCS/FET EPP April 2015
    ODWU CCRM with Dr. Sch COMPLETE!!!! Put on acai supplement they are studying for DOR and embryo quality.
    DAY 3 Labs Drawn 2/26 put on vitamin D and calcium supplements
    Regroup and Protocol Reveal 3/04 "Bazooka Protocol" EPP with MDLF "Protocol 6 with patches"
    ER/MESA 4/10 ER 9 eggs retrieved MESA success found live swimmers :)
    Fertilization Report 6 eggs mature and ICSI'd 4 eggs fertilized normally
    Day 6 Report to Blast for CCS 4/16: 2 DAY 5 BLASTS BIOPSIED FOR CCS a 4AB and a 3AB!!!!
    CCS Results BOTH BLASTS CCS NORMAL!!!!!!  call on 4/24
    Regroup call to discuss CCS results and FET call on 5/20
    FET prep: CD 1 6/08 CD 3 Start BCP 6/10, HSG 6/12 Lupron Start 10 iu 6/17 End BCP 6/21 CD 1 6/23!!!
    Start vivelle patches 6/25 change e/o/d reduce Lupron to 5iu 6/25 Blood Draw 7/01, 7/08, 7/15, 7/19
    Increase vivelle patches 7/03 2 change e/o/d and 7/05 change e/o/d 3 and 7/07 4 change e/o/d add vaginal estrace 2x a day
    Lining Check/Blood Draw 7/08 and 7/15 End Lupron 7/18  Start PIO 1ml daily 7/18  Blood  Draw 7/19
    Flight to clinic 7/22
    FET 2 CCS BLASTS :):)  7/23 :):) YES YES both thawed and both fully expanded :):)
    7/26 :):) 3dp5dt PM very very faint positive FRER
    7/27: 4dp5dt Neg Digi AM but very very faint positive FRER PM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 1-2 :):) 
    7/31:8dp5dt AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 2-3!!!! :):) 
    Beta 1 8/01= 408!!!!!!!!!! at 9dp5dt FET
    Beta 2 8/03 = 1014!!!!!!!!!! at 11dp5dt FET
    8/05/2015 AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 3+!!!! :):) 
    First Ultrasound: 8/20!!!!!! TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Genetics says BOTH BOYS!!!!!!!!!
    Second Ultrasound: 9/03!!!!!!!!!!


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