Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Who else has a backward crawler?

DD pops up on all fours and pushes backwards until she's on her tummy again, then back up on all fours! When she tries to move foreward she always ends up face planting as soon as she reaches an arm out. I feel so bad for her because she gets so excited trying to reach a toy on the floor, but can only successfully move backwards away from it!


Re: Who else has a backward crawler?

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    DD's moves can't really be called crawling, but her attempts at crawling all end up with her moving backwards.
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    I believe most babies "creep" backwards before they crawl.

    My DS is younger and is beginning to do this. But only recently, as he has torticollis and brachy and the helmet is helping him with balance, as his head reshapes.


    Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013


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    Its too early to tell yet with this baby but all my other babies were backward crawlers and never did crawl the right way, they just started pulling themselves up on things and it went from there!

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    ~*DUE MARCH 5th 2014*~

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