
Fill in the blank ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I............

ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I............fell outside of a club while doing some sweet dance moves on the ice and broke my wrist in two places.

It should be added that I had snuck out of my house to get there, was 17 with a fake id, and was so drunk that when it happened I didn't feel a thing. The next day however, when it was the size of a softball, I suspected something was up!

Ah to be young!

Re: Fill in the blank ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I............

  • I was so drunk I . . . asked my DH to have the dog stop licking me. The problem? We don't have a dog. He was being nice and wiping me down with a cool clothe.
  • shiit the bed. And peed and puked... I was 15. My parents found me in bed, covered in poo. I was dropped off by a friend who basically carried me up the stairs and put me in bed and left (thank goodness he took care of me and thank goodness he LEFT). I went to the hospital the next day for a shot to stop the vomiting...

    can't wait for my kid to be a teen!!

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  • both of those are hilarious
  • ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I.......passed out in the bathroom in a club in the city. I was hanging out with a bunch of my guy friends and was going shot for shot with them. I ended up being taken out in an ambulance. And that's not the worst part. The worst is that they sent a local cop to my Mom's house to come and pick me up. When she opened up the door and the cop asked if I was her daughter, she threw up. I was 25 y/o at the time and living on my own, so I still am mortified that they went to my "Mommy".
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
  • blacked out for a few seconds. Southern Comfort too fast.
  • oh yeah and my parents also called the VERY nice guy who brought me home to ask him if he gave me drugs. but no, it was just a boatload of rum. oh Lord, that was the worst. he was completely sober and a sweetheart. I offered him my virginity that night, apparently -- I would tell you everything I did that night but it's all secondhand...

    let me repeat -- can't wait to have a teen!!

  • There was also the time I drank a jug of red wine at a college party (you know it's the good stuff when it comes in a jug,) and was discovered by a few party-goers passed out in the lawn curled up next to a garden gnome.

    They then carried me back to my dorm room and put me in my top bunk bed- none of which I remember. I had to piece it all together the next morning, it started with me wondering why I had so much grass stuck in my hair!

  • I took off my shirt (and bra) in a club. And I was wearing black leather pants on the bottom. The pants were a joke and part of my 21 run gag outfit. Friends kidnap you & supply the outfit/drinks) It came with a fuzzy pink sweater & the sweater was mkaing me incredibly hot, so off it came. Embarrassed
  • 1) threw up on my date to our sorority formal on the ride home.  this was not a boy I was dating or knew all that well for that matter-I just liked him and asked him to go.  yeah, we didn't go out again. 

    2) passed out on the toilet.  not sitting on it...but I must have decided I was tired and sat on the floor and then fell asleep with my head ON the toilet (ew).  This was at my friend's boyfriend's apartment that he shared with 3 other guys. One of the guys found me and carried me downstairs to the couch.  Apparently I also fell off the couch at one point and they proceeded to laugh at me.  I never woke for any of this. Tongue Tied 

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • ...was laying on my best guy friend's [at the time, not anymore] loft bed in the dorms and I just rolled over and barfed down his wall.  I think I also peed my pants that night...while in the bathroom.  Being able to get my pants off in the stall was apparently beyond my ability.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • ...broke a table.  Story goes that at a sorority semi-formal I went to hug a friend of mine, leaped across the bed in the hotel room, and knocked him flying.  I was too drunk to remember it.  Fast forward a few weeks, and we're at a frat hall party.  Same friend is in the room where we were, again, sloppy drunk.  I remember shrieking that I was going to hug him and I was going to remember it dammit.  Leaped again across the room, landed on the table, and completely smashed it. 

    I carried one of the legs around with me the rest of the night.  I was the Great Lambda Chi Tablebreaker for quite awhile.   

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • passed out on the bathroom floor of my dorm.  Lifted my foot up to flush the toilet, fell backwards and just it was as good a place as any to fall asleep. 

    I guess that is pretty tame compared to some of the posts.  I really can't share my drunkest moment.  LOL 

  • Oy.  I feel like mine are bad enough that I need to do 2 truths and a lie.


    1.  Had sex outside a bar, standing up against a wooden fence along a very busy road.

     2.  Woke up in a neighboring state with a man whose name I still do not recall.  I do recall doing the deed, though.

     3.  Was thrown out of a bar, so my boyfriend and his friend put me in the truck and went back in, since it wasn't even 11.  I puked all over the back seat, let myself out which caused the alarm to go off, and was found asleep on the curb.

    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • Let's see...I scaled a 8 ft wrought iron fence at Mardi Gras when my friends and I were locked out of our friends dorm. I was in heels and very proud, and bruised the next day.
  • Oh, and then there's the time a bouncer caught me peeing on the floor of a dance tent at a music festival.  He wasn't amused. 

    I have lots of fun stories but rarely drink more than one drink anymore.  Ugh.

    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • ..drank yards of grain punch @ a Halloween party.  I puked and passed out on the couch.  The last thing I remember is "we have a casulty aboard the Enterprise"  The guys were dressed like star-trek characters. 

    I woke up covered in barf the next day...Klassy!

  • in a bar puked on a guy's shoes as he was talking to me, and he just kept talking (thought i was a sure thing ??) and my bff was like dude she just puked on your shoes go away...thank you for bffs who help in getting you that drunk and help rescue you from dudes w/your puke on their shoes.
    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • Jenni: I think # 2 is the lie!
  • jenni i vote for #2 as the lie too!

     #1 well, isn't that common?  or maybe i'm a ho ...:) (but not u!)

    #3 is too detailed to be the lie

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • Slept with a walmart plastic bag under my pillow.  We were in college, I had the top bunk, was totally drunk and afraid if I got sick I wouldn't make it down the ladder in time!
  • In college my 3 roommates and I were at the bar and one roomie went home earleir then the rest of us. Just after she left the guy she had a huge crush on showed up. we proceeded to bring him home to her at the end of the night. She was in bed, sober, no make up, wearing sweats and we dragged this poor guy to her bed. No idea what he was thinking, but he didn'tstay long.  She got over it surprisingly quick! 

    Christmas 2009 image
  • walked out of the bathroom with TP coming out of my pants.  I apparently I didn't get it to go all the way in the toliet before I flushed...

    seperate occasion: made a fool of myself crying desperate of a guy and he was right there.....gave me a ride home and passed up my advances.  He was sober...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Pee'd in an alley in Rocky Point Mexico because I thought?the bathrooms?were too nasty.

    Got wasted at a work party along with my boss (who had just one Manager of the year) and her husband. ?They crashed at my house that evening and apparently I very loudly announced from my room (multiple times) that she did not deserve Manager of the year since I did all of her work. ?She was in the guest room right next door. ?Zip it!

    Riley born 12/12/05 Malorie born 10/30/06 image
  • ...woke up on a different houseboat than the one I started on with my date for the weekend, lying on the lower bunk of a bunkbed next to a guy I had never seen before.  We were both clothed, thank God.  I looked at him & said "Who are you and how did I get here?", then heard hysterical laughter from the bunk above us.  Luckily I was on a boat from the same fraternity my date was with, and the guy laughing was someone I sort of knew.  It took me an entire day to find the boat where all my stuff was & my date.  He was a total tool, which is why I got as drunk as I did.  It was actually the one & only time I blacked out in my life.  I have no recollection of the entire evening before waking up next to that guy!!
  • ....slept on the floor of my (clean) bathroom.  And not just ONE time. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I............believed that I was invisible.
  • ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I woke up in our hotel room in New Orleans and had to pee. For some reason I left the room, took the elevator down to the lobby and wandered around down there, looking for a bathroom. Couldn't find one so I went back upstairs to our floor, into the ice/vending machine room which was across the hallway from our room and peed on the floor. Then went back to bed. In the morning, I heard the cleaning lady go in there and start swearing very loudly.

    ONE TIME I WAS SO DRUNK I cried in the arms of a co-worker at a Christmas party. I swear he hated my guts and I confronted him about it, asking him why he hated me, I was a good person, etc. Just about everyone in the office witnessed this (thankfully most were just as drunk). Then I started crying and hugging him. My poor DH was there (we were engaged at the time) and had to rescue me, then apologize to the cab driver for me puking in the back seat all the way home. The next day at work was pretty awkward, to say the least!

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