
Silly question for you ladies

Okay I normally don't drink at all when I do normal 2 is all I can handle and I am almost a mess at that point.  And tonight DH is working it snowed here today so he is out dealing with that mess.  So my silly question is I am going to rent a movie when DD goes to bed and I really want to have a glass of champagne and I feel a little weird about doing that.  Would you feel a little weird about it or would or do you have a couple by yourself?  Sorry this is silly 

Re: Silly question for you ladies

  • I wouldn't get sloppy drunk, but a drink or two?  I see no problem with that.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • For me a couple would not make me silly so yes I would.  If 2 is all you can handle I might be a little hesitant to drink without someone to take care of my child.  What about sipping on one slowly and then going from there.
    BabyFruit Ticker DS 6/6/06
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  • I usually drink an afternoon beer by myself almost daily. Don't feel bad, but only drink what you know you can handle.


    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • If I knew I was going to be a mess or close to it, I would not do it. But otherwise, I say go for it!
  • I would, but 2 drinks doesn't do much to me.  I have a friend who if she has two drinks she is down right goofy.  I don't think there is anything wrong with having a drink.
  • I drink a glass of wine at the end of the day sometimes and usually its alone. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • The same as having a glass of wine or two in the evening, right? I do that all the time!
  • my DH often gets home from work late and I will have a glass of wine or 2 (when I'm not pg) while I sit home and watch tv after s is in bed!

    no problem at all. cheers! enjoy your champagne! :) 

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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