TTC After a Loss

Powerful Sperm...


Just got back from my follow up after my D&C. The dr. did chromosonal testing on the baby and told me that we had an extra chromosone, 16. But hopefully it won't happen again and we can start trying in a couple of months. Once the appointment was over I called my hubby and tried to explain it to him. I "tried" to explain that the baby had an extra chromosome and it happened at conception. His initial response was, "my sperm must be way to strong." Oh, boy, I can't believe the way a man's mind works. Yes, honey, your powerful sperm caused us to lose our baby. Smile I love him too much.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP Oct. 2010-MC & D&C Dec. 2010 BFP March 2011-Cooper born Dec. 6, 2011 weighing 9 lbs 1/2 oz. Suprise BFP May 27th 2012 - Sawyer born Jan. 20, 2013 weighing 8 lbs 9 oz. ?

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