
We're actually going out tonight!

I can't believe it, for the first time in 4 years, I'm not pregnant or nursing and my kids are sleeping through the night.

My friends made reservations at an awesome restaurant and it's going to be so much fun.

Except that it's 4 pm and I am EXHAUSTED and would very much prefer to ring in the New Year in my jammies with some wine, in front of the fire at home.

I know we'll have fun, but I'm dead from all the errands we did today.

Bottoms up!


Me with my littlest.

Re: We're actually going out tonight!

  • I feel the same way this is our first new years out since I was pg with DD.

    Although right now I am sitting in my Pjs after a nice hot bath. I am regretting getting tickets to the bar we are going too, I would much rather be home too. Especially knowing we have to get up at the butt crack of dawn with the kids. Uhhh, well I am sure we will have fun, maybe I just need to start drinking now.

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