Toddlers: 24 Months+

1 week off the bottle!

I can't believe it really worked.  DS refused to get rid of the bottle at nighttime.  At the beginning of December, I told ds that Santa was going to bring him a lot of presents and take the bottle to give to a baby who needed it.  I said that all month.  Christmas came and we took the bottle away.  I expected a huge fight (we tried at 15, 18 and 24 mo without success).  This time, no problem!  DS just asks for the sippy and sometimes says that santa took the bottle for a baby and he's a big boy so he needs a sippy.  I wish everything was this easy!
3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
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Re: 1 week off the bottle!

  • Nice! Glad it went well for you this time!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • That's great!  Ben had a night time bottle until he was 24 months.  We just stopped giving it to him then and he must've been ready because he didn't ask for it again.  I think your baby can let you know when the time is right and who cares if the LO is still taking a bottle past 12 months.
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  • Awesome!  Congrats on an easy transition.
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