
? about taking baby out in public

My son was born on 12/2 at 34 weeks. He was 3 lbs 10oz and spent 21 days in the NICU.  While there, he never needed any oxygen or other support other than the gavage tube while he learned how to feed from a bottle.  He was never sick, just growing and feeding.  He's now about 5 lbs and is 1 month old.  

 We brought him home a few days before Christmas.  My husband and I argued about whether or not to take him to Christmas at my aunt's.  Finally decided to take him, knowing that no one had been sick lately and we made sure people washed their hands before holding the baby.

 We are now arguing about how much to limit our outings.  At discharge the hospital said to avoid large group settings for a month. I don't want to take him out to public places like the store or the mall, but I don't see a problem taking him over to my mom's or sister's, as long as no one there has been sick lately.  My husband disagrees and feels that we shouldn't take him anywhere for at least 8 weeks to limit contact to germs.  I guess if our son had been sick in the NICU I would feel the need to be more cautious but at this point I don't see a problem with an occasional visit to Grandma's.

So my question is: How much did you take your LO out to family/friends places after coming home?  Any advice would be welcomed for us right now. Thanks!

Re: ? about taking baby out in public

  • DS was born at 34 weeks 1 day and was in the NICU for 22 days.  He did require CPAP and oxygen as well as a feeding tube, etc.  The neonatologists adjusted his GA back to 32 or 33 weeks based on his development but I still say he was a 34 weeker.

    We have no problems taking him to grandparents and SIL/BILs houses as long as no one has been sick.  He has not been to anyone elses homes.  We allow the same people to come over to our house as well as a handful of friends that we trust about washing hands, etc. as long as no one has been sick.  We try not to take him out in public, but we have done so on occasion during non-busy times.  If he goes out in public, he stays in his carseat with a blanket over top of it.  Once flu/RSV season ends, we will probably be a little more lax with everything and once he turns 1 we will lighten up a little more.

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  • I may get flamed for this, but we just started to take DD out. For mine and DH's sanity, we've finally went out for Christmas. To my aunt's and then to my IL's place. And a few times, we've been to our friends place. We obviously bundle her up and don't take her anywhere where people are sick. We are heading to my IL's on New Years Day for a family party, no more then ten people, who aren't sick.

    I think we've taken her to family/friends um, 3 times. And we have a few plans this weekend to take her out. Oh and we also go out in the car, through drive-thru places. You have to get out, so you don't go insane.

    Good luck! 




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  • I take LO to my families house. I just take along my sanitizer and have people use it before holding LO. I haven't taken him out in public other then the Pedi at this point and don't plan to anytime soon. Moreso because it is cold and he had issues with keeping his body temp up, that still makes me nervous that I am not keeping him warm enough.
    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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  • my daughter was born at 27 weeks, we were in the nicu for 98 days. she came home on oxygen. (and is still, attached to it!)

    we didn't really limit our outings too much. our nicu's stance was, be smart. we still went to church, we still went shopping, to people's houses.

    but we DON'T let anyone hold her. i mean, like, very few people. even immediate family has to basically "scrub in". haha...

    we oscillate on this decision... and have been more cautious since it's been flu season.  but, my husband is in the army, and gone for training, so i have to go places, it's just a matter of consolidating trips when i have a sitter, and keeping people from touching her when we do go out. (you wouldn't believe the gall of people! touching babies that aren't theirs!) 

    (also, we basically own stock in purell. i use it after EVERYTHING. i mean it. it probably hasn't worn off before i'm using it again.) 

  • We take LO to my parents house, and they are very cautious about washing hands and using sanitizer before holding her.  We limit others holding her though.  We have had to go out, we need groceries and what not, but we go during non-busy hours and when we go I wear her in the moby wrap so that she is covered up and close to me.  I don't want random people trying to put their face up to a carseat to see the baby, and I don't want anyone trying to touch her, so I figure if I am wearing her people are more likely to not attempt either of those.  I limit the time I am out too making any trips as short as possible.
    EDD: 01/08/10, Born 8 weeks early on 11/16/09 at 32w3d due to pre-eclampsia and partial abruption
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  • Lily was born in March and she didn't leave the house (aside from Dr. appointments) for over 12 weeks.  Even then, the first time I took her somewhere (a friend's birthday party) I was extremely paranoid.


    3/22/09 - Lily Grace, born at 33 weeks, 2 days
    9/12/14 - M/C @ 7 weeks, 1 day (ectopic)

  • We go nowhere, and plan on keeping it that way until RSV season is over. I let a few family and friends come to my house- but they have to be healthy and wash and sanitize frequently.  

    Edit: We do go to Drs appt.  We dont go anywhere with the baby that sick people go- ex the bank, the grocery store, etc.  All our friends have small kids, so we are pretty stuck.

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  • My children ONLY went to the pediatrician. We hired a Nanny instead of taking them to Daycare for their first year of life. HOWEvER, my girls were 30 weekers and came home during RSV season...on that note, remember it IS RSV season and that can hit ANY baby (preemie or term) VERY hard. I have to say, I 100% agree with your DH, in fact, I'd keep him home as much as possible during RSV season, really he doesn't NEED to go to Target with you , one of you can stay home with him....limit contact with others, make sure people wash hands AND sanatize before touching him AND that they haven't been sick or around others who are sick for at the last 10 days. Our family and friends just knew from the beginning, during RSV season, they would be coming to OUR house if they wanted to see us and could meet our Pediatrician AND NICU's requirements.

    Trust me, a sick baby is NOT fun, and a sick preemie at that is MUCH worse, and sure your preemie didn't have significant issues, but he's still a preemie and things can develop.  :( Sorry.

  • We've been taking our 32 week, mostly feed and grow preemie, out to a variety of places.  We have a toddler in daycare.  Even assuming that lockdown was a possibility for us, her big brother is bringing RSV season home.

    We try to be smart.  No sick people touching the baby, we ask everyone to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer, we don't pass the baby around.  (I second, btw, the people who've commented on the gall of people touching baby's they don't know.  And reaching into baby slings to do it - grrrr.)  We have avoided the mall entirely.  But she's seen a lot of family, and they've been wonderfully loving and cautious with her, and very good about keeping us informed of any illnesses that are going around so that we can make informed decisions about visiting or not.   Some families don't get it, and that can make it hard to visit, but if your family is understanding of your baby's needs, it's very reasonable to visit.

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