I woke up this morning and this was the first thing I though about. My brain has been hijacked!
Anyway, would you recommend having a mini fridge/microwave upstairs if that is where the nursery is? I want to breastfeed but know that it may not be possible. Im thinking that the fridge and microwave upstairs would make life much easier in the middle of the night but was wondering if my thinking was right. TIA
Re: Night-time feeding Q
It's totally up to you! I was glad I had my old mini fridge in my room after my c/s--I had a crazy recovery and couldn't do stairs for over 5 wks--so the more conveniences, the better! I would store any leftover milk (I exclusively pump for my DDs) in it without having to worry about going to and fro from the kitchen.I'd imagine that being handy if you do decide to FF vs. BF since formula can't be out more than 1 hr. w/o going bad.
As for the microwave, I think it's a matter of preference. If price is a factor, I'd think getting the day & night bottle warmer ($20-30 at BRU) is just as efficient if not faster & cheaper than a microwave. That way, you wouldn't have to first warm the water then wait for the bottle to heat up once out of the microwave. The bottle warmer is by no means a "necessity" though, IMO. You can def. manage without it.
Oh, and heads up--the brain feeling hijacked only gets worse...I straight up washed my cell phone (spin cycle and all!) the wk before I delivered!
And I hate to say, but your brain DOES get completely hijacked once the babies arrive (I'm living proof)!
You could also just fill up the bottles with water and let them warm up to room temperature before mixing. If you fill them up before bed, then have forumla already portioned out (they make great holders that Target carries that are marketed for taking formula out for the day), you can mix it right then.
good to know...can you tell I have no experience with child-rearing?
That's a great point, and one that I'd forgotten. DD was never picky about her bottle temp. She could switch from warm to cold as long as she was eating something.
Also a great point: NEVER put the BM/formula directly into the microwave.