3rd Trimester

Don't Mock Me, But...

I've only gained 5 lbs. throughout my whole pregnancy (I'm almost 37 weeks). Confused

I know I shouldn't be complaining - I'm actually thrilled not to have gained tons of weight - but I'm a little concerned.

I am also carrying very small and some people can't even tell I'm pregnant. Now, this is my second child, and I was much bigger with my first daughter (this is a girl too). And I should add that I am overweight to start with, so doctor didn't want me to gain too much - but I still think 5 lbs. is cause for concern. Doctors aren't worried, though.

Anyone else not gain much? Come on, ladies, ease my fears!

Re: Don't Mock Me, But...

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    I am sitting pretty at an overall weight LOSS of 20 pounds as of today. So, no, I don't think it's a big deal. :) Just continue to eat healthily and stay active, and listen to your body!
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    I'm at an overall gain of 18 pounds but I lost 17 in first tri (didn't have morning sickness or anything that would cause the loss, just lost the weight) So I'm only one pound heavier than I was for years before getting pregnant. My doctor doesn't seem worried about it at all and I know I'm eating healthy and doing everything right so I know LO and I are fine.
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    If your doctor says it's fine and isn't concerned, don't worry about it!! Baby has probably taken over equal proportions of weight loss :-)

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    Well, i can't relate but if your doctor has said that you're ok, i wouldn't worry. Think of it like a pregnancy symptom that you didn't get -- like i was soo lucky not to get morning sickness at all, or heartburn! Smile
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    Well, I can't relate to you, but I would think that if your doctor isn't concerned about it then you shouldn't be either! As long as you're eating properly then everything should be fine.
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