Up until about 11 weeks I had horrible m/s and lost about 13 pounds. I've been able to eat more now that it's past (keeping fingers crossed), but I'm not sure now if the 20lbs by 20 weeks goal makes sense. I've finally started gaining, and put on 4lbs in the past 3 weeks, but it seems like 29 more lbs in 6 weeks seems unsafe. WWYD?
P.S. I see the OB on Thurs and plan to ask, but I just wanted to see what you ladies may have experienced.
Re: 20 by 20 ?
I didn't follow Dr. Luke's calorie requirements or anything but was able to put on 20 by 20. However, I didn't lose anything due to m/s.
I think you should try to eat as much as you can now that you are able, and possibly supplement with Ensure or protein shakes for extra calories and see where that gets you. I woiuldn't sweat the 20 by 20 considering the m/s you had. Just try your best to get the (healthy) calories in and I am sure you will all be fine.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I also was able to get to 20 by 20 but also didn't have m/s.
I followed the weight guidelines and general tips, not the exact diet plan. My doctor wants me to gain less than Luke recommends but frankly, I'm ignoring him b/c he's not a peri and I think her guidelines make sense. I'm just staying on the low end of them. I started at a normal BMI and used to run, I'll lose it after the babies come!
What I've done:
- 1 egg & 1 egg white for breakfast with toast, fruit and OJ (low acid, lol)
- Add cheese and/or avocado to lunches
- Have more substantial snacks during the day. Instead of a few pretzels I'll have a yogurt and an apple, for instance. I also snack on nuts, cheese, granola, etc.
- I have dessert every night, which is usually 2-3 cookies and a huge glass of milk.
I hope that helps.
Ditto the cheese and avocado with lunch. I am pretty sure that is what helped me the most! I am a vegetarian and used to get vegetable-based low cal sandwiches, but since becoming pregnant, I added in cheese, avocado and mayo with my veggies!
I also add cheese and yogurt in as snacks.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
You're a vegetarian? Me too! How are you going with your protein- it is what I am most concerned with! I'm 18 weeks now and I have gained about 10 lbs... My stomach is measuring at 23 weeks and the dr. is really happy with that but I'm still super concerned with protein...
Yep! And I admit that I am not doing a great job with protein.
I try to eat yogurt, cheese, milk (in cereal), beans, nuts, etc. but I know I am still not getting enough. So far, it doesn't seem to be a problem because the babies are in the 66th and 79th percentiles with their growth. Protein has always been hard for me, though. I hate tofu and eggs and I think those are both good for protein.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I tried to pack on protein and such and have only gained about 15lbs in 26 weeks. I was horribly worried. Having had a preemie/low birth weight baby before, I wanted to be on top of this.
In the words of my OB "If you are not dieting, you are fine. Make sure you are getting all the amounts that you need." The babies are healthy and growing great so they are not worried. I have been trying and gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks but its so hard.
As long as things are fine and I am still trying to make sure I am getting the right amounts of things, doc said its fine. I think that the same may be in your case.
I know it also depends on what you weighed before preg. Im a big girl so IDK if that made a difference. I was much smaller with DS and gained almost 60 lbs
I lost 10 pounds originally due to m/s. I was on the smaller side before and I was recommended to gain atleast 45-50 pounds because I am small. I thought it would be easy but it has proven not to be for me. As of today at almost 23 weeks, I am 1 pounds above my pre-preg weight. I am trying to gain weight but I dont seem to be gaining much at all. I did gain 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks though so maybe it is turning around! My OB is concerned as one of the babies are on the smaller side but I am small (5'2 and pre-preg 105 lbs) and that could be attributed to that. OB is keeping an eye on her. I still have some m/s so that also contributes to this.
Ask your OB though. Every situation IS different.
This. Try to put on as much as you can early. My peri agrees with the research Dr. Luke's program is founded on and wanted me to gain as much as I could by 24 weeks. I'm so glad I did. I gained 35lbs by 28 weeks. I was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks and began the GD diet at 29 weeks. In the 2 months since beginning the diet, I have gained only 3 lbs (instead of 1-1/2 to 2lbs a week). I'm so glad I put the weight on early. Despite me not gaining weight, my babies are growing well.
i put on 19lbs at 24w - even though i was really trying to put on 24... it jsut didn't happen - no matter how much i ate! But i did follow Dr. Luke's guidelines on what to eat (ie- lots of protein, lots of dairy).... and i kept them in until 38w1d and they were 6lb6oz and 7lb 15.6oz - so it worked well for my boys!!
I put on a total of 40lbs, so from 24-38w I gained an extra 21lbs.... much of it was right at the end.