Last week my Peri discovered that my placenta had detached a bit in the corner and he wanted to have me come in today for a growth scan and to possibly talk about steroids to be on the super cautious side.
Well, there wasn't really any evidence of the separation today! He said it could have been situational last week and that something may have lodged in there, but this week, nothing! Everything looked fine. Hooray! (But he is still going to monitor me closely.)
Baby A checked in at 4 pounds 3 ounces (66th percentile) and Baby B at 4 pounds 7 ounces (79th percentile). They are big for 31 weeks! No wonder I have been feeling so run down and uncomfortable.
I go tomorrow for my first NST and modified BPP and then again Friday (and every Tuesday and Friday after that). Here's hoping these babies will stay in awhile longer!
Re: 31 week growth scan: good news!
Those girls just might come out with some chub on their cheeks and thighs!!
LOVE seeing you over here!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!