I posted a while back about seeing a therapist/counselor because of having NICU flashbacks, etc. I started seeing a counselor six weeks ago, but I don't feel I'm making any progress in aleveiting my stress. It seems like all I do is go there and *** about my life. She's offered no input or suggestions. My last appointment I asked for suggestions for dealing with "stupid" people - lol - and she said she needed an example. So by the time I got thru explaining what I meant by co-workers being to lazy to do their own jobs our time was up and I got no help. Seriously, I can *** with my good friend and feel better for free. Money is one of the things that is stressing me out right now and I don't know if I should give up on this counselor and look for someone else or just have bitching sessions with my friend.
When should I expect some progress or throw in the towel and move on to someone else?
Re: How long before progress is made when seeing a therapist?