
Trying to find someone

I lost contact with my best friend over 3 years ago. About once a month for the last year I try googling her and search in myspace and FB.

I have tried calling information on her and her mom for the last place I knew they lived. She went into the Army several years ago, but I *think* she was medically discharged. 

It's really starting to get to me that I cannot find her. Aside from hiring a PI, any ideas on how to find her?


Re: Trying to find someone

  • You could pay for one of those people searches online. Normally, they will pull up several addresses for a person. If you know an old address it would probably show up.
  • she probably got married.  if there is any way you can find her mom you could try her - might be easier.  or if you had any other mutual friends that might still know her.  ?


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  • I don't have old addresses, just towns. Last time I spoke to her she said she was engaged, so maybe she got married.

    I have an address for her mom, no phone number. I've been too nervous to just write. Maybe I'll just have to do it?

    I've been pretty tempted to jump in the car and drive the 12 hours. That would be pretty silly though.

    I was also worried that she wasn't medically discharged and is overseas :(

  • i would try her mom or a mutual friend if you have one. did she go to college anywhere? our alumni org keeps tabs on people hardcore. if you want to message me her name and info you have i'll look when i have some down time. i love hunting people down.

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