
alvin and the chipmunks appropriate for 3 yr. old neice and 4 yr old ds??

yaya or nay?  Not so much worried about actual content but will it be over their head, keep their interest, etc??

Re: alvin and the chipmunks appropriate for 3 yr. old neice and 4 yr old ds??

  • Not sure about the chipmunks, but I took my dd to Princess and the Frog this weekend, and I think they would love that.  It was not over-the-top princessy or girly, and it was a very fun and interesting movie.  My dd was up dancing during the parts where there was music!
  • DS watched the first one twice this weekend and enjoyed it.  That was at home, though...I haven't had the balls to take him to a theatre yet!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
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  • DS LOVES the first alvin and the chipmunks movie, we are taking him to see the "squeakal" next weekend, he turned 3 in october.  This will be the first time taking him to the movies, but I think he'll be fine.  I think it's entertaining enough to keep his attention with the music and all. I say Yaya
  • I plan on taking my 2.5 and 4.5 year olds to it on Thursday morning.
  • I took all three of my girls this weekend and they all loved it! Even the baby was interested!
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