Looks like one of my daughters is going to need one. I figured I'd post over here since all the dr.s have said this is more common in multiples.
If your DS/DD needed one, how long was it on for? Did they seem bothered by it at all? The dr tells me she wont even notice it but thought I'd check here to see if you felt that way too. I figure its winter and she'd need something on her head anyway lol
Re: haven't been on in a LONG time - but ? about starband/docband
I don't write on here very often, but my babies are currently wearing their doc band and it doesn't phase them at all. We had a few issues with DS in the beginning due to heat, and he started 5 weeks behind DD. It never disrupted their sleep, which I was most concerned about, they were even smiling 5 minutes after their first time wearing.
DD has been in hers for 13 weeks and is basically done, and DS for 8 weeks and has about one more month. Cranial Tech. is amazing and they are all over the country.
I hope this helps!