South Florida Babies

Your favorite gifts!

So what were they?  Whether they were for Christmas or for Hanukkah - what were some of your faves? 

Mine: I'm cheating since it was also my b-day some of my favorites were technically birthday gifts but I got them all on the same day! 

I am a shoe wh0re big time - love them! so my parents went big and got me a beautiful pair of strappy black Manolo Blahnik heels and matching Fendi purse - I was shocked, but I love them!!!!!!

Aside from that - Nintendo DS, a few Wii Games, black Coach purse and wristlet, a new lens for my DSLR camera.  Other than those standouts, i got a lot of money in AmEx and Macy's gift cards, some clothes, books, and other trinkets.  

As my family was sitting around Christmas morning after opening everything, we couldn't help but comment how fortunate we are to still be able to do Christmas big and over the top - I am definitely grateful for my husband and family.

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Re: Your favorite gifts!

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    Wow!  you made out like a bandit!  Do you have a place/function to wear your sexy new shoes??? 

    Well, the only thing I got this year was a Michael Buble CD.  I bought Josh a Garmin navigational system, so I was excited about that.  We're trying to re-evaluate our finances this year, so I was more on a don't get me anything kick.  The surprising part is that he listened.  Either way, we decided that (if we're in a good financial status) that we will do 8 nights of gifts for eachother. 


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    I wasn't expecting any gifts, but DH surprised me with a Roberto Coin circle diamond pendant necklace that I have wanted since I saw it in a jewelry store on our honeymoon. I cried and everything when he gave it to me because of how touched/surprised I was :) He said it was my 2009 gift - for graduating from law school, passing the bar, getting sworn in as an attorney, our 2 year wedding anniversary, my pregnancy, having Emma, my birthday, and Christmas! LOL.
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    I got a fabulous new diaper bag that DH found himself in some maternity boutique in Manhattan after I joked with him that I am going to need something the size of a suitcase in a few months and can't seem to find one that big anywhere. I also got a new camera and a gorgeous new winter coat.

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    Like Gena, we didn't do gifts this year. Having not been working for the last almost 2 years now, it's just not a time to spend money on things we don't need. We've always prefferred vacations over things anyway, so we worked out some dates with my parents to watch Zoe in the summer so we can go on a 4 night vacation.
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    I am a shoe whore to the max and I say your post is worthless without pictures of those Manolos!  I'm dying to see them :D
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    I wasn't expecting amything because of the baby  but Mario got me a beautiful watch and shoes.  The thing that sucks is that I didn't get him anything =( I'm a horrible wife.  We totally made a promise not to get each other anything and he went off and got me stuff.  So I plan on making a lovely dinner before I go to work and buying some toys to play "tennis".  I'm sure that will make up for the no gifts part.
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    wow Leanna!! u made out girl! I wasnt expecting to get much either as I had told everybody to just focus on the baby. dh got my a beautiful wallet bc my old one was stolen. that was very nice and completely unexpected. and ee were given like 4 target gift cards!!! those are the best! Anyways, i defintely feel very blessed that we were able to give to the baby and still get a little bit for ourselves. Christmas was fantastic!!
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    My MIL got us a Roomba (the pet hair version) and my mom is paying for us to have a maid come and do a good deep clean of our house (which it needs!) These were definitely our best gifts! My MIL also gave us checks as did DH's grandparents, but those all went to bills and our mortgage. Sad :(

    DH and I got ourselves one gift really.... the new Mario Bros. Wii game. It is a lot of fun! I also have ordered some of our favorite images of Zachary for prints for the house. We had family pictures done in October and our walls are still bare which is unacceptable.. time to fill them up! ;) We spent some money on Zachary for sure... but nothing on ourselves other than the game & some prints. We get more joy out of his happiness and we are trying to save money anyway.

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    peter and i didn't exchange big gifts this year- he bought me 2 books i wanted and i got him new lenses for his sunglasses :-D  but I got a $100 giftcard to pottery barn kids (well, abby did) and I finally get to buy her bed skirt and lamp i want!  and I got $150 to macy's and i'm not sure i want to buy shoes or get highlights and a haircut!  aahhh lol  we'll see heehee
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    Wow!  You sure did make out...MH got me a digital photo frame so I can show off my kids at work, a book, pajamas & slippers from VS, and a blender/food processer.  I am very happy and so blessed to have a loving family that spoils us - especially since our family continues to grow! 

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    My iPhone!  It def wasn't on my wishlist, so it was a complete surprise.  I never knew what the hype about it was all about... now I know!  DH had to tell me to put it down on a few occassions this wkend b/c I was on it non-stop.  LOL 

    Oh, and MIL gave me unexpected cash this yr... more than the usual!  And my mom gave me Flowerbomb that I've been wanting for over a yr now!

    -- Jackie
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    My IPhone, of course! LOL. I have been playing with it all morning and getting very little done. I was able to book mark The nest to my homepage and everything so I have you guys at the very tip of my fingers. Hahaha.

    Abel also got me the new Michael Buble CD which is....awesome. Just fabulous. I Just Haven't Met You Yet is my new favorite song for the week.

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    My iphone!! I am already obsessed, it is so fabulous!

    Also, my mom got me a CHI iron, which I have always wanted but never bought and DH and I went on vacation to Gatlinburg last week which was sort of a gift to each other :)




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    Abel also got me the new Michael Buble CD which is....awesome. Just fabulous. I Just Haven't Met You Yet is my new favorite song for the week.

    Okay, now I think I may buy the CD on iTunes to take on the trip!  I actually have a Pandora station dedicated to Buble.  : )

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    My gift was nothing fancy smancy but I got my Juicy Charm bracelet :) with the heart and little "J" <3 hee hee... the J is for JONATHAN of course, not Juicy ha ha! :)
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