Birth Stories

It's been 3 months...

My son is now 3 months old but we've been so busy I haven't had time to post my birthing experience! This is my first baby!

We went to the hospital at about 8 in the morning the day after his due date (Sept. 23rd). I was already dilated at 4-5 and 70% effaced when I went in for induction. They started pitocin by 10 and broke by water by noon. I was feeling nothing! The monitor said I was contracting regularly but I didn't start feeling them until about 4ish. As soon as I started feeling them I decided to get my epidural. I was debating on getting it but I'm so glad I did! I went until 1:30 in the morning of the 24th when I was finally complete! I labored down for a half hour then started to push at 2. I pushed for an hour, then after my OB cut my episiotomy he flew out! She almost dropped him ... that's how fast he came out! She was expecting a much more difficult delivery because I was measuring big the whole pregnancy. When she put him on the scale we were all shocked! He was 11 lbs. 6 oz. and 23 inches long! I was not a gestational diabetic and had a very healthy pregnancy!

My L&D nurse was GREAT and so was my OB! The only issue I had with the experience was my in-laws coming up to visit when they weren't invited. I sure didn't want everyone sitting around watching me be in labor (except my husband, mom, and sister) but I felt bad asking them to leave. They didn't stay for delivery though.

At his 2 month appointment he was 17 lbs. 2 oz. and 26 inches long (in the 50th percentile for a 6 month old for length and weight). He's SUCH a sweetie and is sleeping through the night for us!

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