all of my guys are clomid/IUI babies.... but just wanted to reply because if you are looking to see what kind of success rate ends up in multiples- this isn't the place to as- since it will be pretty much 100% here If you ask on SAIF you'll see that most women doing injectables will have one baby.
Just make sure you are monitored well and know the risks - and what you are willing to do if you have tons of follies, etc.
We had one mature follie with our first IUI (and got Griffin)... and had 2 mature follies when we got pg with the twins. We were not comfortable doing the IUI if there were 3 or more follies- since we knew we had a good success rate with just one- we really didn't want triplets, but knew we could handle twins... and that's what we got (the 2nd time around).
Re: bravelle and multiples?
all of my guys are clomid/IUI babies.... but just wanted to reply because if you are looking to see what kind of success rate ends up in multiples- this isn't the place to as- since it will be pretty much 100% here If you ask on SAIF you'll see that most women doing injectables will have one baby.
Just make sure you are monitored well and know the risks - and what you are willing to do if you have tons of follies, etc.
We had one mature follie with our first IUI (and got Griffin)... and had 2 mature follies when we got pg with the twins. We were not comfortable doing the IUI if there were 3 or more follies- since we knew we had a good success rate with just one- we really didn't want triplets, but knew we could handle twins... and that's what we got (the 2nd time around).
best of luck to you!!