Special Needs

I don't know if this qualifies as Special Needs but I don't know who else to ask!

LO was diagnosed with Pyloric Stenosis last Thursday and had surgery to correct it last Friday (so he's now 8 days post-op). Every couple of days he's still having an episode of vomiting. He can keep down most of his feedings and is even eating more than he was before surgery! I'm just concerned about this vomiting that's still happening every once in a while--it's been like one episode every other day. I'm going to call the hospital and see what they think, but I wanted to see if any of you had experiences with this as well. TIA for your help :)
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Re: I don't know if this qualifies as Special Needs but I don't know who else to ask!

  • At first the doctors thought LO had pyloric stenosis....but it turned out he has a laryngeal cleft instead.  He has not had the surgery to repair the cleft yet.  I am not sure about your questions- just wanted to say hi!
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  • My BFF's son (who is now 7) had the same surgery as an infant, and from what I remember he had similar episodes every few days for a few weeks but that they tapered off after that.  It was amazing how much weight he gained once he had the surgery!  GL...I hope the vomiting settles back down soon :)
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