South Florida Babies

Returning Gift from the Hubby :( VENT

First, let me start this off by letting you know how picky I am about everything, there are no exceptions to my pickiness from the way I like my coffee to the way my hairdresser blowdries my hair. I have a preference, and if it is not done like I like it, it feels like an in-grown toe nail (please excuse the gross analogy).

For Christmas my husband decided to get me a camera (how could he go wrong, he must have been thinking) because since the moment we got pregnant I said I wanted a DSLR to capture Ben's every move.Well that type of camera can be very pricey so I told my hubby we'll get the camera later on when we can afford it. Instead, hubby went out and bought me a 300.00 digital camera...... Why????? I don't know, I already have a great digital camera and I would have prefered to save that money and we would have been closer to the camera of my dreams.

Now he is upset because I just returned my very pricey birthday gift which was a cheddar yellow gold watch, I returned last years Christmas gift snowflake diamond earings.

I feel so guilty but I hate that we spend money on things I would never be caught dead in or that can only be worn certain times of the year (i.e. snowflake diamond earings)

I have taken the joy out of my husband buying me gifts:( I try to fake it but he knows me too well so I just exchange it and this years gift of the Camera will be no exception.

Re: Returning Gift from the Hubby :( VENT

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    BTW and much, much, much, more important than any gift,,,,

     MERRY CHRISTMAS Ladies!!!! I hope your day is filled with lots of Joy, Great memories and Yummy Food.

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    I don't know you at all, I know, but judging by your post (and pardon my bluntness), you sound very ungrateful.  Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.  One returned gift here and there is nothing to fret about but it sounds like this isn't the case.

    In my opinion, your husband has every right to be upset.

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    I keep all my gifts, no matter what...

    DH however, is like you...he returns almost everything I buy him...and while I understand the hurts.  He did take the fun out of trying to be creative to buy him gifts, so now I tell him to tell me exactly WHAT he wants and I just go and get that. 

    I love surprises and love to surprise people...but since it hasn't worked for me, I have essentially given up and I just go for the sure thing.

    I would say, you need to be honest with DH and if you don't want him surprising you, just tell him....but don't get upset once he stops trying.

    I still try to surprise DH once in a while when I know he has mentioned something specific, but overall I just flat out ask what he wants and if possible I got with him to get it!


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    I keep all my gifts, no matter what...

    DH however, is like you...he returns almost everything I buy him...and while I understand the hurts.  He did take the fun out of trying to be creative to buy him gifts, so now I tell him to tell me exactly WHAT he wants and I just go and get that. 

    I love surprises and love to surprise people...but since it hasn't worked for me, I have essentially given up and I just go for the sure thing.

    I would say, you need to be honest with DH and if you don't want him surprising you, just tell him....but don't get upset once he stops trying.

    I still try to surprise DH once in a while when I know he has mentioned something specific, but overall I just flat out ask what he wants and if possible I got with him to get it!


    This exactly!  MH has exchanged almost every gift I have gotten him for the past 10 years -- including his replacement wedding band.  He doesn't like me to spend oodles of money on him - but I think he deserves it. SOO...I ask him to tell me EXACTLY what he wants.  This year, he wanted sneakers - we went online, he picked them out - I printed it out, went to Foot Locker and bought them...SWEET Success!  AND I tell him exactly what I want - so neither of us are disappointed.  I usually give three options to choose from - the surprise is - he always gets me all three.   When he does choose to venture off my list - I graciously accept whatever it is.  One year, he got me a $500 Coach bag...I was not happy he spent all that money, but I smiled, gave him a big hug and kiss, and thanked him.  I still use the same exact purse three years later :0)

    I say you do the same...tell your husband exactly what you want weeks even months before the event and allow him the opportunity to spoil you. 

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    my husband and I get things we know we want since we are both pretty picky, we often go shopping for them together. this year money was tight so we just bought one thing - a nintendo game (yes we are dorks!) but in the past we've surprised each other - once about 2 years ago he got me a wacom pen tablet for my computer (I use that for photoshop) and I almost died with happiness since I'd been talking about how much I needed one for months. for our anniversary I let him buy a new iPhone. LOL.
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    DH just opened my two "small" gifts and he's returning both! haha...

    Thank God his big gift we'll be picking out together once the Holiday rush is over (a wine fridge!) 

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    I know keeping a gift that you really don't want that costs a lot is hard, BUT every once in a while you should probably just deal with it for your hubby's sake. Men are clueless sometimes (mine is)- & I know it's frustrating but it seems like he's putting in a lot of effort. My dh gave me a pair of Uggs this morning. UGGS in south Florida don't make sense to me however, he was so excited about them (& they are really cool looking) so I'm wearing them right now in 80 degree weather. :-) Give the guy a break every once in a while :-)
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    I have had the happiest Christmas ever, it has been such a special day for us with all of our family including our little Ben. If i have to grin and bear it even though we definitely don't need a camera than I will. It is more important for my amazing husband to feel validated and feel that he makes me the happiest woman (because he really does) than the money spent on an object. Thanks Ladies
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