
No more 12/31/09 induction : (

Nurse called and said they were full; I think it will be 1/4/10 now.   I was so excited only have 7 days left....BOO!  And it was such a cool birthday..

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Re: No more 12/31/09 induction : (

  • Sorry :-( Maybe the baby will come on there own instead?
  • That sucks!  Not only a cool birthdate but great for taxes and insurance!
    Liam is 5!
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  • That's so weird that they called now to tell you this, normally they call  one or two days day before.  I'm sorry. 
  • awww-I'm sorry.  But your mom can come now, right?
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Awww, I'm sorry. Just curious, but why are they inducing you early?
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • imageMarce921:
    Awww, I'm sorry. Just curious, but why are they inducing you early?

    I had a 4th degree tear with DD and they induced me early with DS so not to retear (it was that or a C section) that area and they were going to do the same for this pregnancy but now it will not be as early...and most likely later than I went into labor with DD.  I think it will be okay, i hope, as he is smaller than either at this point...eeek!

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  • imageKapalua:
    awww-I'm sorry.  But your mom can come now, right?

    And that's another thing, she might be able too but without a scheduled birth, it is more likely that she will miss it.  My parents live 12 hours away.  

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  • Ugh, that stinks, I"m sorry!  But maybe that will help with your childcare issues?
  • I see. Could they not bring you in the evening of the 30th? Just curious, because then you'd still probably deliver on the 31st. Wink Just a thought.
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • Boooooooo.  It's a full moon that night too so they may be not doing many scheduled induction.  Maybe J will decide to come on his own soon enough.
  • I was a RN in L&D and 12/31  was a super popular induction date.  For taxes and the cool bday!  I bet they are over scheduled with inductions already.  Bummer, but hopefully, you go into labor on your own!!
  • Sorry. I know how ready I was to be done with DD.  If they are that full on that day, maybe you will get more attention/better care on another day.  GL
  • Here's hoping you go in labor on your own!
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • It's not such a cool birthday. My sister is a NYE baby, and she rarely had birthday parties as a kid b/c people were either out of town or parents weren't willing to bring their kids, let their kids come, etc. Now that she's older, unless she wants to get wasted at some club, no one really wants to do the "birthday" thing. It sucks that you have to wait longer.
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