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"Santa says HO HO HO!"
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Love it.
related titbits for ya -
There's a smut shop right next door to one of the christian middle schools in town. ?I want to take a picture of the signs next to each other.
I got married in vegas. ?In some of the pictures, there's a giant "STRIPTEASE" billboard in the background, with a half naked chick on it.
Just about. ?I defriended damn near everyone but my sister and a couple of old highschool friends - and we never talk on there anyway LOL
I dunno. ?I'm probably going to just delete it all, I haven't quite decided.?
Boo. Hiss.
That's what I figured.
pssshhh ?LOL ?It's not like the nesties don't know where to find me. ?I dunno, I log in, read 3 things, yep, ok, play a time wasting game now & then, close it.?
Re: Sign in front of the strip club I pass every morning:
Love it.
related titbits for ya -
There's a smut shop right next door to one of the christian middle schools in town. ?I want to take a picture of the signs next to each other.
I got married in vegas. ?In some of the pictures, there's a giant "STRIPTEASE" billboard in the background, with a half naked chick on it.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Just about. ?I defriended damn near everyone but my sister and a couple of old highschool friends - and we never talk on there anyway LOL
I dunno. ?I'm probably going to just delete it all, I haven't quite decided.?
Boo. Hiss.
That's what I figured.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
pssshhh ?LOL ?It's not like the nesties don't know where to find me. ?I dunno, I log in, read 3 things, yep, ok, play a time wasting game now & then, close it.?