She is 3 1/2 - will be 4 in May and cannot distinguish any colors.. The other day my husband drew in brown crayon and she did say it was the color of chocolate milk but cannot name the colors at all.. I mentioned this to the pedi in September and she said it can be a sign of a learning disability.. She has had no other delays and talks way more advanced than most her age. If she doesn't know her colors by March the doc said to have her evaluated. She gets extremely frustrated when even trying to help her with the colors.. Not sure why because she seems so smart with everything else.
Re: Dd still can't recognize colors/
I wouldn't worry too much--try to keep teaching her (just through every day life). I think in the end, she'll catch up in that area. She's just busy learning other things.
She may be color blind.
I wouldn't worry too much yet but would keep working on it.
Re being colorblind. A girl cannot be colorblind unless her mother is colorblind.
ETA: oops, dad must be colorblind and mom must be a carrier
J2 11.17.08