My 1 y/o had her first cold of the year and it's a nasty one. Super thick green snot that won't come out, raspy voice, sneezing, coughing, constantly rubbing her cheeks/face/eye area and crying (sinuses, I think.)
Anyhow, remind me what I can do, please?
Steam, ibuprofen, no milk, giving her juice, propping her up to sleep are all good, right?
Other than ibuprofen are there any drugs I can give the poor girl? Decongestants for toddlers aren't even available anymore, right? And they also recalled those Vicks chest patches for kids that I used to love when ds got a chest/head cold like this.
Anything else obvious that I've forgotten? I know that in all reality a cold just has to run its course, but dd is so miserable and I'd hate for her to be this sick at Christmas. I'm willing to be quite med-happy if that's what it takes for her to feel better!
Re: Remind me about colds again.
Saline nose drops, soup, tea with honey (if she's okay with honey)
Keep her head elevated even while sleeping
Hope she's better fast!
My kids' doc recommended Triaminic Nighttime strips. DS gets 3/4 of one and DD got 1/2 when she was 2 and 30 lbs. Your DD is pretty small, right (don't know if I'm thinking about the right person!)? If so, I'd go with no more than 1/2 a strip.
I do whatever it takes to make my kids happy and am probably more med happy than most. Oh, there's also nasal decongestant spray for kids and that seems to help my kids at night when they need it. I hope she feels better soon!
Saline drops several times a day. It helps flush it out and hopefully keep off a sinus infection.
Water. Lots of water to keep her system flowing.
Baby vicks on the feet at night can help the cough.
Our doctor still lets us give Robitussin but you would need to find a doctor that would give you doing info. Maybe check into Benedryl. I give that to DD instead of cold meds now.
I hope she feels better soon!
I still give my kids the Triaminic nighttime.
DS (aged 3, 34 lbs) gets 1/2 a tsp, so I would cut that in half to start.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008