South Florida Babies

Need ideas for X-mas Day

So,as a Jew, we have always gone to the movies; however I'd like to do something that we can do as a family (there is no way he would sit and watch a movie). I thought maybe the zoo or butterfly world, but both are understandably closed. Any suggestions? TIA!

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Re: Need ideas for X-mas Day

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    We always have this problem and we celebrate Christmas! After the gifts are all unwrapped by like 9am we are always stumped on what to do. I'm thinking we may go to the park and let Jake run around a little, and probably go to the beach in the afternoon if the weather is nice
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    We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve so once Christmas morning is over we are usually stumped. This year, though, we are probably going to take Sophie to her first movie! I want to see The Princess and the Frog. I am hoping she will sit through it.

    A picnic at the park might be fun! Nothing else much is open so options are really limited...

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    you are much nicer than us, Gena! my husband and I are giving Zachary over to my mom and dad to babysit and WE are heading to the movies for a very needed break!
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    Hopefully the weather is nice. We're planning on going to the park and let Mateo have fun with the new toys.
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    we're just having brunch with my whole family. the bagel place my parents like is open so we'll even get fresh bagels and lox!
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    Christmas Day is our boxing day - hang around the house.  But I would like to go for a bike ride with the kids, I like the picnic at the park idea - we may do this.  The weather is beautiful! 

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