South Florida Babies

Need Ideas road trip with a 7 month old.

First Good Morning to all.

Need ideas!!!!!  My family and I are traveling in a car to Georgia, the day after Christmas.  This is my first time traveling with a baby.  I made a list of things to take, but wonder what else I should bring along.  What do you  take when going on road trips with a baby?  Nicky is 7 months old today.  Any ideas will be greatly wanted.  Thank you girls, you are the best! 

P.S. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year.  May all your wishes come true for 2010. 

Big Smile


Re: Need Ideas road trip with a 7 month old.

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    I never drove that far with my son when he was an infant, but we flew with him a lot and drove a few hours in the car.  I brought a portable DVD player, lots of toys, food, bottles and snacks. I also tried to plan the travel time around his naps.  Hopefully your DS will sleep most of the way.  It may not be the most convenient for you, but can you leave  around his bedtime and drive through the night?
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    my only suggestion is to take off during naptime...worked wonders for us when we went to orlando when my dd was 14 months old.
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    The longest we've travelled by car is to Tampa - 4.5 hours away.  We bring our laptop to show DVDs, toys, snacks, drinks.  We usually leave at bedtime so they wind up sleeping the whole ride.  It is terrible driving at night - but is so convenient to not have to worry about keeping the kids entertained the whole trip.  We get to enjoy a stress free ride.   Especially, since they will want OUT of their carseats if they're awake.  Have fun and be safe :0)
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    We just went to Orlando and it wasn't that bad but he did want to get out of the car seat a lot. Dvds if you can, toys. Really the only solution would be going at night because they're sleeping. GL, have fun!
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    Can you leave at either nap time or at bedtime?  That would be the best bet, that way he can sleep the majority of the way.  Is he crawling yet?  If not, it shouldn't be too bad... but I know once Abby started to crawl, I was afraid to go anywhere over 45 min with her, since she was really antsy and active.
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    We drove 15 hours when Zachary was turning 5 months. We didn't need DVD's but I brought all his fav toys, some books, and some new toys for him to play with. I'd say at 7 months bring some new toys that love lots of buttons/music so he can be very entertained. I also brought tons of snacks and made sure I had lots of bottles ready for him. If you can get the pre-mixed formula that might be easier. We made sure to stop every 2 hrs or so for a few minutes so that I could change his diaper, which I did in the backseat of the car (did not want to use any NASTY rest stop bathrooms..gross!)

    Good luck on your trip! Zachary actually slept for most of the time and when he wasn't sleeping he was very interested in looking out the window.

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    Thank you girls for your advice.  Although he can not crawl yet, he would definitely run if he could, so I will definitely have to stop and take him out of his seat.  I will take lots of toys and things to entertain him.  When we are in the car he is usually very good though.  Thank you ladies you are the best.
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    We did the trip to GA when Nadia was 8 months old. We left like at 3am & I just took her from her bed directly to the carseat pj's & all. When she woke up, that's when we pulled over so I could change her diaper & change her. I was traclveling with family so we took turns sitting next to her & plating with her. I took a bag full of toys- things that played music, etc I also loaded my iPod with her favorite music. I fed her in her carseat & tried to make few stops. I found that for my child taking her out & then putting her back in was a fight. (once she was out she would scream when it was time to go back. I figured the faster we can get there the better it would be anyways. Good luck!
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