Baby Names

Opinions on Rhett

We have been going back and forth on boy names for awhile, and have at least made it into the same ballpark.  We have been deciding between Jack Tyler and Austin James.  However, my DH threw out the name Rhett Austin last night.  I love it!  However, I have a very longstanding love and obsession with Gone with the Wind.  The theme song was even our wedding entrance. I honestly think it would be incredibly weird to name my child Rhett mostly because of my history with the movie and book.  I am worried I would be setting him up for snickers behind his back.  DH says most people don't know that I collect memorabilia, but anybody close to me will be well aware aware of that fact.  With that in mind, what are your opinions on the name?

Re: Opinions on Rhett

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    I think it's ok.
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    This name wil always make me think of Gone With the Wind, but I do like the name.
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    I don't like it, sounds too much like "rat".

    I'd go with Jack. 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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    The name Rhett always makes me think of Gone With the Wind, but I like the name.

    What about naming him Everett?

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    I think it's a nice name, especially if you love Gone with the Wind.
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    As long as your last name isn't Butler I think you're fine.
    Sadie is not impressed.
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    "This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
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    If you both like the name, use it!  It isn't  weird so that lots of people will laugh.  It doesn't matter what you name your child, at some point some stupid bully will come up with a way to make fun of it. 

    I actually know a teenage boy named Rett (short for Charles Everett ____III).  I don't think anyone made fun of him and most people thought it was cool.  I would be careful of what your last name begins with don't pair it with a "T" name. (initials would be "RAT")  Our youngest DD initials are ARM and some stupid people have tried to make fun of that.  We also have an adult friend whose married initals are "FAG" so she stopped using her monogram and  her first name to cut down on jokes. JMHO

    dd(Brianna) 11/01/94, ds(Bram)10/17/95, ds(Jesse)9/26/97, dd (Annie Ruth) 7/27/05 5mc Jan '08, May '08, Feb '09, Sept '09, Apr '11 "And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up." - Charles Dickens

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    I know people IRL with that name. I even know enough that I don't automatically think of Gone With the Wind anymore when I hear it.
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    I like the name Rhett, and wouldn't count it out just because you like Gone with the Wind. 

    I have a cousin named Rhett (and one named Scarlet) and don't think of Gone with the Wind every time I see him. I think it's actually a really great name. 

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    I love the name.  I don't think that most people nowadays would associate it with GWTW.  A friend of mine just named her boy Rhett Charles and I think it's adorable!
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    I love it. I like it even more because you love GWTW. I think that makes it special.
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    I knew a Rhett in highschool and he was gorgeous!  He was also very likeable/popular guy.  Because of that, I have a good association w/ the name.

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    I like it! It is one of the names on my list.
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    I knew a guy named Rhett once.  He was southern and oh so hot...!!  Go for it!  Even if people snicker that know you.  Just don't name a daughter Scarlett and you'll be fine!
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    I L.O.V.E. it!!  But my DH vetoed it.  I even got him to watch the WHOLE movie last week hoping it would change his mind, but it didn't work.  I think it is a great name.  I think handsome southern gentleman.

    Maybe for our next boy.

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    I love that name! I knew a Rhett in high school, and nobody ever made the connection with Gone with the Wind (or, if they did, it was just recognizing the name was in the movie, and then they'd forget all about it. He NEVER got snickers behind his back!). If your close friends & family know about your love of the book/movie, I don't think they'll be surprised if you name your son Rhett - if I were your friend, I would think it was perfectly fitting for any son of yours! :) 
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    We are kindred souls, my dear.

    My two favorite names are Rhett and Scarlett. What does that tell you? Gone with the wind is my favorite movie and book of all time.

    DH is not fond of Rhett as a name (boo to him). Everett was on our list (so I could use Rett as a nn) but it's the name of a not so great community, so that wouldn't work. I would have used Scarlett, but someone I know just used the name. 

    My 3-year-old son is Tristan. Wanna know why? Snicker. I loved Legends of the Fall and I love the story of Tristan and Isolde. I adore his name.

    Guess what names are also on my list? Vivian (as in Vivien Leigh) and Clark (as in Clark Gable). Snicker again.

    If it works with your last name, and it has meaning for you, go with it. By the time our kids are in school, none of their friends will have any idea what the heck Gone With the Wind is, really.


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    Not a fan at all. I like Jack Tyler a lot. Austin is a nice name.
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    We have been going back and forth on boy names for awhile, and have at least made it into the same ballpark.  We have been deciding between Jack Tyler and Austin James.  However, my DH threw out the name Rhett Austin last night.  I love it!  However, I have a very longstanding love and obsession with Gone with the Wind.  The theme song was even our wedding entrance. I honestly think it would be incredibly weird to name my child Rhett mostly because of my history with the movie and book.  I am worried I would be setting him up for snickers behind his back.  DH says most people don't know that I collect memorabilia, but anybody close to me will be well aware aware of that fact.  With that in mind, what are your opinions on the name?

    If this is truly how you feel, then I think you've got to listen to that.  If you and DH both like Jack Tyler and Austin James, I'd got with one of those. 



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    Formerly toddandjulie
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    Rhett is on our list too.  I love it.  Oh but my daughter's name is Belle though (that is what she goes by)

    so we would have a Rhett, Belle, and DD's cousin is scarlett.

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    I dated a Rhett in college. Now he's a successful attorney... you know how we always discuss if a name ages well or if 'you could picture him as a lawyer or doctor'

    So I think it's a good one. 


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    i love love love this name. i think with your friends, you can explain the situation just like you did with us. then again, who cares? it's a great name.

    good luck!

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    I love it!  It's traditional but still unique. Jack & Austin are going to be much more common names when your baby is growing up.
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    I like Rhett! I personally wouldn't use it because I plan on using Scarlett, but I think it's a cool name!
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    i love it.  it was on our boy's name too the first time around.  DH and I are big fans of Rhett Miller and the Old97s, so that's where our love of the name came from.  
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    i love it.  it was on our boy's name too the first time around.  DH and I are big fans of Rhett Miller and the Old97s, so that's where our love of the name came from.  

    Yes  This!!

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