Happy Holidays, everyone.
I'm not likely to be on here again until after the New Year. So I just wanted to wish everyone good luck, wherever you are with TTC at the moment (Baze, those are great numbers for the Bumpie Hubbie!. Cat, you'll be testing very soon!!! GL GL GL). Jill, many hugs!! I know exactly where you are, and I hope and pray that all works out perfectly, and the LO is just on his/her own schedule.
I know this is an anxious time for some of us - either because we're waiting on news, or hoping for some news, or because there will be lots of kiddos around at the holidays, and that can be a frustrating reminder - even when we love said kiddos.
So I'm wishing everyone peace and love and a terrific holiday season, and a great big box of hope that your TTC dreams will come true very soon.
PS: I'm leaving the bar keys under the welcome matt. Have at it!
Re: :::Happy Holidays!:::
Thanks, Happy Holidays to you too!
Yes, I know many of us have wished Santa bring us BFPs or sticky dust so hopefully he will hear our wish. I know I do my best to be nice every day and only naughty around the O! ;-)
Happy Holidays!
Joyful, I have thought this many times, but never said it (or should I say written it). I always think you say just the right thing when someone is down. I also think you have a knack for putting yourself in someone else's shoes and looking at things from their perspective. You always make me see things in a different light. Just some holiday sappiness here.
All I want to say is....you're the best! Happy Holidays to you too and I hope you come back soon with some good news of your own!
Ah, thanks darling! I have my fingers crossed for everyone.
We will miss you while you are gone, have a lovely holiday season!
I agree with Holly. You have a way with putting emotions on the screen. I hope you have a beautiful christmas and happy new year. I will miss you while are gone.
I am wishing everyone the best of luck in this magical cycle..we need to get hte BFP tide rolling..
To be sappy on my own, I could not have gone thorugh the whole year without you bumpies. You have made this difficult journey easier. I hold a special place in my heart for each of you. Your journey's are part of my life. Thank you for all you do for me..
Merry Merry!